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‘Aye, and you took yourself off for many years and left her behind. In that time she has changed, from an adoring little girl, who looked up to you, to a grown woman, with a strong will and independent spirit.’

‘Then she will do very well for me.’

‘Let me be clear Murray, I want my daughter to marry for love and so I long ago resolved to have her marry where she chooses.’

‘And I am a disappointment in that regard.’

‘No, but if you marry Ilene you will not be getting some not some biddable little wife. Obedience does not come easily to her and I fear we have indulged her somewhat in following her heart. She has too much feeling which sometimes blinds her to common sense, she’s impulsive.’

‘That is why I love her.’

‘So you think you are in love, you decide this on such short acquaintance between you.’

‘Would you rather she wed someone who does not, bind her to some weak fool with wealth, title and an old name?’

‘I would see her happy and you should take some time to examine this infatuation of yours, and see if it is going to last.’

‘Is it my bastardy that so offends you.’

‘Of course not Murray, that has never mattered to me and it never shall. I took you in, I raised you, and you are a son to me.’ Duncan scraped his hand through his hair in frustration. He did not want to lose his beloved daughter and, though he believed Murray to have a good heart, with sincere feelings for Ilene, this was all happening too fast for his comfort.

‘Laird…Duncan…I care for her…truly.’

‘Murray, I can’t stop you if you love each other, but if you marry in such haste before you have time to think this through, well, on your head be it.’

‘I need to leave, to train those men as you asked, and I need her by my side when I do. I won’t leave her behind, and there is nothing I won’t do to protect her, you know that of me.’

‘Aye I do, and Murray, don’t be offended by my reluctance. I do not think you unworthy, quite the opposite but it is the haste which worries me. You do not really know her or her you, and she is very young.’

‘How well did you know Ailsa when you wed, somewhat reluctantly on her part, or so I’ve heard? When Clan Campbell defeated Clan MacLeod, you rode into Cailleach as her conqueror. She was forced to marry you to forge an alliance and make peace between the clans. You are Laird here because of her, and you two wed in great haste, knowing much less about each other than Ilene and I.’

‘Aye it’s true, I became Laird of the MacLeods through marriage and they have accepted me as such, despite the fact I am a Campbell by birth. But I have only held on to my place here because I have the clan’s respect and that of my wife, and I will damn well have yours, Murray. No one seduces my daughter under my roof and gets away with it.’

‘There has been no seduction, you know I wouldn’t do that and as to the haste, you wed Ailsa in haste, yet you are happy, are you not?’

‘Aye, but in that, I had no choice, I fell in love with her, and there was nothing I could do about it. Love makes fools of us all eventually Murray.’

‘Then you understand my feelings entirely.’

‘Aye, I suppose I do.’ He sighed and extended his hand and when Murray took it he pulled him in closer. ‘I cherish each and every one of my children Murray. When you have a child of your own, and, god willing, one day you and Ilene may have that joy, then you will understand my reluctance to part with one. She is my first-born.’

‘Give me leave to wed her and I swear, I will keep her safe and make her happy.’

‘Then give me your solemn oath to take this land I have given, and my daughter with it, and make something of it, build something, find your place in the world as I did. Whatever happens, you cannot leave, and you cannot run away from it, as you did before. Ilene is precious to me. Make her happy.’

‘You have my word on it.’

Chapter Twelve

It was cold in the kirk, in spite of the sun streaming in through the high windows. How differently Ilene had imagined this day. It should have been Aidan taking her hand before the priest, so fine and handsome, the culmination of all her dreams. Instead, Murray was standing next to her, with a fierce pride burning on his face. He was a different man entirely, golden, handsome and savagely complex, and, she feared, more of a man than she could ever handle.

Oh, she would surely burn in hell for this deception. Glancing over at Morag for reassurance, all she got in return was a stern look. Her aunt had said that if it hadn’t been for Murray’s infatuation with her she would be in dire straits and that she was lucky to have found a way out of her predicament. The alternative didn’t bear thinking about.

As the priest droned on with the marriage vows, Murray smiled at her and winked, and, for one glorious moment, she felt safe and cherished. Gratitude swelled in her heart and affection rushed through her, and she smiled back at him. He could be her refuge, and, in return, she would treat him so well and try so hard to make him happy that it would wash away the wickedness of what she was doing. But then fear rushed back in. This was all happening so fast, with no time to imagine a future with Murray and place herself in it. Nevertheless, in a confusion of remorse and hope, Ilene blurted out the words he wanted to hear.

For this last week, they had been kept apart, on Duncan’s orders, and this had increased Ilene’s nervousness to an unbearable level. Her mother had interrogated her at length about her motives for marrying in such haste, but Ilene had held fast to her insistence that she loved Murray and would have no other. She had then been forced to suffer through her mother’s explanation of what to expect on her wedding night.

‘You should take as much pleasure from your husband as he from you,’ she had said. ‘There is nothing to fear my dear, you can explore the marriage bed together. And I have seen the look in his eyes when you are together. He will be patient and gentle on your wedding night I am sure of it. There is much good in Murray. He will protect and care for you…or he will have me to answer to,’ she had said smiling.
