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‘You are not making it easier for me to go and do what I must do.’

‘Forgive me for that too, then.’ She managed a wan smile. ‘Can you not avoid a fight? Perhaps my father can negotiate a truce?’

‘I doubt that will be the outcome. If you think that then you’re dreaming.’

‘But I could not bear it if you are killed or taken prisoner.’

‘They won’t take prisoners, Ilene. There is only one way this will end for the clan, in death or glory, and Ilene, if it is death…’

‘Don’t say it.’

‘If it is death, then you must promise me something.’


He took her by the shoulders in a tight grip. ‘Listen to me, should I fall, and your father along with me, then you must take your mother and brothers and try to get north, to Raghnall.’

‘Are you mad? Why would you even suggest such a thing?’

‘If we all die, then you will have no protection. You could fall into their power, to do with as they wish, given in marriage as a reward to one of their men or something worse.’

‘I cannot think of going back there.’

‘LachlanGrant has a long reach, Ilene. His son will seek you out, even if he does not, and I cannot bear the thought of Aidan having power over you. Barra is safe because it is a law unto itself, and Raghnall is strong enough to protect you.’

‘He won’t help me.’

‘Throw yourself on his mercy and he will help you and he will give you sanctuary. Why do you think he didn’t kill me? Because he loved you too much to do it, and if the worst happens, you will be going back to him as a widow, free to be his wife.’

‘No! I cannot promise that. I’ve lied to him. How can you think to send me back to him?’

‘He won’t care that you lied. Raghnall will have the better part of the bargain, a beautiful woman by his side. He would be a lucky man indeed, as I have been these past months if only I could have seen it. Swear to me you will do it for I need your promise?’

‘You have it, but I will not have to keep it, for you will come back, won’t you Murray?’

‘Ilene, all I can promise is that I will fight with everything I have to come back to you.’ He turned to go. ‘Don’t come down to the yard. I want to remember you like this, pink and pretty from my bedding you, not shivering in the cold.’ He came to her quickly and gave her a glorious, passionate kiss which made her love him so much.

‘Wait for me Ilene, for I am not finished with you yet,’ he said and then he was gone.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

It was not the best place for a fight. Open moorland, with the only cover being an isolated stand of trees behind them. A shallow river, icy with snow melt coming down off the high peaks in the distance, flowed past briskly, not even knee deep. It was all that now separated them from the Grants assembled the other side of it. The ground was boggy and would be heavy going as the long grass of summer had long since turned brown with frost and made a thick, dead carpet over the uneven ground, hiding treacherous potholes and boggy areas. Not any easier to fight on foot either, as the mud sucked and took hold with every step.

‘What is our plan of attack?’ said Rory.

‘They’ve more mounted men but there’ll be no charge of horses else they will fall and snap their legs on this soft ground,’ replied Duncan, frowning at the number of Grant clansmen massed against them.

‘So it’s simple,’ said Murry, ‘we need to take the fight to the river bed, with its firmer ground. We come together and hack at each other until we are the ones left standing.’

‘Must you say it with such relish, Murray?’ said Rory who’s bravery was always tempered with caution. ‘You sound as though you want to die.’

‘Not today and not here in this godforsaken place,’ said Murray. ‘But I’ve faced worse than this, and there’s no canon to cut us to pieces at least, that’s a blessing. Come, let’s have at these bastards and be done with it.’

He smiled, the scar on his face making it fearsome indeed, and Rory was suddenly heartily glad that Murray was fighting on their side and not with the Grants. ‘This is madness Duncan,’ he said. ‘We must at least try to negotiate a peace. I don’t want to see our men die needlessly.’

‘Aye, we can try but we’d best prepare for some slaughter if we fail,’ said Duncan. ‘Murray, they’ve more men and plenty of archers and swordsmen, more pistols too by the look of it.’

‘Not much use in a stand up fight Laird, with your hands shaking, your powder damp and no time to reload. And as to the men, well they weren’t trained by you and I’m sure they’re not keen to die just so that Grant can enrich himself with your land.’
