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He cocks a brow. “And what’s this person’s name? Because, as far as I know, no one has ever come up with such a thing.”

“His name is Jerry.” I make up a name then decide to make up a story. “And he lives somewhere in Switzerland where there’s no internet or cell service, so he hasn’t been able to publish his findings yet. But I met him once while I was on vacation, and me and Jerry had a good, long chat about his theory on the time it takes to get to know a person. And he told me that you have to know someone a lot longer than a minute to determine what kind of person they are.”

He stares at me confoundedly, and I wait for him to back off, to realize I’m a weirdo that he doesn’t want to know. Instead, a grin takes over his face.

“You and I have to be friends,” he insists.

I shake my head. “Sorry, but that can’t happen.”

“Why not?” He sulks, jutting out his lip, pouting. He looks adorable when he does it and seems like the kind of guy who knows it.

“Because it just won’t work.” Again, I struggle not to smile, but I’m totally gonna blame it on being buzzed.

He shakes his head then grins. “I think it totally will. In fact, I think we might be the perfect match.”

“Trust me; I know it won’t work.”Because Dixie May will make sure of it, even if she has to tell you about how I might be a murderer.

“There’s no way you can possibly know that.” He gives me a curious look. “Unless you’re a psychic.”

“As awesome as that would be, I’m just a normal girl,” I assure him, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He stares at me in a way that makes me squirm. “I really doubt that. In fact, I think you might be one of the most interesting people I’ve met in a long time.”

I tug at the sleeve of my jacket, a self-conscious move I always do to make sure my scars are hidden. “Do I really need to tell you again about Jerry and his theory?”

“Yes,theory,” he stresses. “Not fact.”

“Did I say theory?” I smack the heel of my hand to my forehead. “I meant fact. Stupid me, I always get the two mixed up.”

His grin is as shiny as a goddamn black diamond ring and just as pretty. “Yeah, we’re definitely going to be friends.”

I’m racking my brain for a good protest when the secretary returns with a pink slip of paper in her hand. She smiles as she hands the paper to the guy. “This will get you out of last period, and last period only, which I noted multiple times on the slip. And in permanent marker,” she warns. “Do not try to pull any of that funny business like you did last time when you erased the date and gave it to all your teachers to get out of all your classes.”

He presses his hand to his chest and dazzles her with a grin. “You have my word. No more funny business.”

She sighs tiredly. “One of these days, I’m just going to tell you no.”

“But today’s not that day.” He winks at her.

The bell rings then, announcing class is about to start and that I was right when I guessed I was going to be late.

“Just get to class,” she tells him then sinks down into her chair.

He salutes her then turns to me. “I’ll see you around, mysterious Raven. And when I do, I expect some more details about you. You know, so we can start establishing our beautiful, impending friendship.” He winks at me then pops the sucker into his mouth and strolls out of the office.

“That one is a handful,” the secretary remarks as she types a few things onto her computer.

I focus on her. “Yeah, I can tell.”

She clicks the mouse. “He’s a good kid, though, especially considering what he’s been through. It’s also probably why I have a hard time telling him no.”

I want to ask her so many questions, like why she gave him a slip to get out of class, or what he’s been through or, better yet, what his name is since all I ever heard her call him was Mr. Hathingford. But doing so would mean I have an interest in him and would put me a little bit closer to knowing who he is. What would be the point in that?

Like I said before, by the end of the day, he’ll have no desire to be friends with me anymore.


