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“Well, welcome to the land of weird, then,” I tell her with a grin.

She traces her lips with the tip of her tongue, appearing amused by something. “You say that like I already accepted your offer of friendship,” she teases.

My grin widens, but then I jut out my bottom lip. “So, you’re saying you don’t wanna be my friend? Way to break my heart.”

She bites back a smile. “Fine. I’ll be your friend. Just stop pouting.”

I only pout more, and she playfully pinches my side.

I laugh, gripping my side. “So vicious.” I lower my hand then, grinning, I pinch her back on the side.

Instead of laughing, she winces, her face contorting with pain.

I jerk back. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing,” she mumbles shakily.

It’s clearly not nothing, and I’m about to attempt to get the truth out of her, but Harlow returns to the car.

“Please tell me the waitress took our order already,” she says as she climbs into the driver’s seat and shuts the door.

“She did,” Raven tells her, wiping her expression clean of all signs that she was in pain. But just because she erased the look, doesn’t mean I’m going to forget it. No, the look is branded in my mind.

I want to know what caused it. Want to know all about the girl with hair like raven feathers and eyes so hauntingly beautiful. The girl I just told I want to be her friend.

Just her friend.

Just friends.

The thing is …

That might be a lie.

Shit, I’m so screwed.



Everything was goinggreat until he pinched my side. Then it all came rushing back to me, every horrible moment, every scar. Everything he’s done to me. But I do my best to play it off, hoping to God that he doesn’t ask questions. Luckily, Harlow shows up and offers a fantastic distraction.

“That was the longest piss ever,” Hunter remarks after his sister has climbed back in. His brow arches upward in accusation, perplexing the hell out of me.

Harlow adjusts the rearview mirror and examines her expression. “What can I say? I drank a thirty-two ounce soda for breakfast.”

Hunter just shakes his head while thrumming his fingers against his knee, clearly annoyed.

And me? I’m totally confused and feeling really uncomfortable. Before the awkwardness gets too out of hand, though, the waitress skates up with our order. She smiles as she balances the tray on Hunter’s half-rolled down window.

“Just honk if you need anything, okay?” She smiles at him before skating back toward the order window.

“Just honk if you need anything,” Harlow mocks while twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “And I mean,anythingat all.”

Hunter picks up a burger. “She didn’t say anything at all.” He hands Harlow the burger.

“Yeah, so? She meant it.” Harlow unwraps the burger then glances at me. “Something you should know about this little town that you now live in—almost every girl around your age, give or take a couple of years, is freakin’ obsessed with my brother.”

“Not every girl,” Hunter protests, handing me some fries.
