Page 8 of Cosa Nostra

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I push the door open, causing it to hit the brick wall with a thud. The sound renders the room silent. I didn't mean to do that. Happy accident.

Clay and Butch turn to acknowledge me with tight smiles while Jimmy stares deadpan at me from across the room. Two overweight soldiers sit casually on stools at the small bar. Hostility gathers around us. My eyes stay fixed on Jimmy as I round the table, sit beside Clay, lean back, and fold my arms across my chest. I should have been here earlier, but I was with Cassidy - I don't rush those moments.

Jimmy ignores my rude interruption and looks back at Butch. "You don't know, se? The boy had ulterior motives. He could have organised this alone."


Butch drains his whiskey before pressing, "He sent her down there. Xander confirmed it. I trust my son's instincts; you should too."

Her.I bite my tongue to stop from growling.

Jimmy tsks. "And you're so sure he knew what would happen?"

And now I want to lunge across the table and rip out histskingtongue.

Jimmy leans back into his seat. "I don't want my family at odds. I will talk with Dustin-"

"That's not enough," Butch interrupts, glancing at me sideways, knowing I'm losing what little restraint I have. I'm glad he can see it. My aggression feels tightly coiled, and the grip I have on that coil is slipping.

"Luca." Jimmy appears almost exasperated. "You know he's got the Australian blue-collar fucks wrapped around his finger.Iddi sù devòti.Just like us. You know they won't work with Sicilians. We lose Dustin, or worse, he takes up alliances elsewhere, we lose the truckers, our mines, our diamonds."

Clay nurses his whiskey instead of drinking it, keeping his mind sharp and his temper in check. He's a tall, business-type man now, but I remember the egotistical cut-snake he was at my age. Although, it'd be hard to believe that looking at him now. He's annoyingly polished these days. Logical. This is the first time I've seen him since he got back from his honeymoon, but I imagine Butch has filled him in. He is his heir, after all. His heir, yes, but my brother and our code of loyalty is impenetrable.

"I could do it," Clay says smoothly. "I could make the deals up in the Kimberley."

"No, my boy." Jimmy dismisses him with a wave of his hand. "You're going to need to keep squeaky clean if you're to run for a councillor position next year. And not just you, all of you. We can't afford any attention." He looks dead at me. "Keep your business clean."

He best be referring to his business and not my relationship with Cassidy. "Yourbusiness," I mutter angrily.

"Ourbusiness, Max," Clay corrects me.

Butch notices my expression, the heat now spreading to my neck.

"Jimmy," Butch snaps, drawing Jimmy's attention back to him. "I want to deal with Dustin myself-"

"We are not having this conversation," Jimmy says, feigning composure as he cracks his knuckles in front of him. "No one is to discuss this with Dustin."

"I have spent the better part of my life making uncomfortable truths disappear for you, but this one will not just disappear," Butch states, his brows weaved in tight.

"No, I believe it won't," Jimmy replies.

"Let me take care of it then," Butch says, his voice low.

"No." Jimmy opens his arms to us, pretending to welcome our concerns but squashing them all the same. "It pains me. I'm not happy with how things went down. I am very fond of our Cassidy-"

"Don't fucking say her name," I hiss.

Jimmy stiffens. "I think that's just about enough out of your mouth today, boy. Not another word."

My fist hits the table, rattling whiskey tumblers.

When I stand up, all eyes lock on me, as do two Glocks which are pointed directly at my tight forehead. I couldn't care less. As I scowl across the Marri boardroom table and into Jimmy's brown eyes, I feel no fear. I used to fear this man - not anymore. And for a moment, just a split fucking second, Jimmy's throat contracts, and through that fleeting gesture, the truth is exposed - he's a little intimidated by me.

I hiss low through my teeth. "No one is to go near Cassidy."

He attempts to interrupt me, but I don't allow it. "She is out of this! She stays out! No one is to talk to Cassidy. No one is to so much as look at her with goddamn indifference or I swear to your God, Jimmy, I swear it, I'll bring your whole fucking empire down."

Jimmy's gaze sears holes through mine. He lifts his hand to signal the soldiers. "Do not point guns at my family," he orders, his voice calm, annoyingly so. His soldiers lower their weapons. "You disrespect me, Max. Do you think so little of me that you treat me with suspicion and hostility? I think of you as a son, se? Your father - a brother. I have given you everything you have ever asked of me. Given you opportunities, and this is how you treat me?"
