Page 11 of Feared By Monsters

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Sang's lips curled, dimples appearing in his striped cheeks again. "Who said I was talking about the comfort?"

I froze when he curved his giant body over me, lips brushing the edge of my jaw, then my neck.

"I have a different kind of torture in mind," Sang purred against my throat, his big hands skimming down the sides of my body and making my breath catch.

I pulled at the chains securing my hands above me, desperate to escape, to push him away, to break his nose or his dick or something. I could handle being cut open, could handle the screams. But kindness? Carnal touches?

"I don't know why you cried, sweet human," he murmured against my neck, "but if anyone ever hurt you, I'll skin them alive. What do you like more, Hala—shoes, bags, or jackets?"

I swallowed, panicked that I'd answer wrong. "Uh. Jackets..?"

Sang nodded, his shaggy hair dancing around his face. "Then I'll make you a jacket out of their skin."

Oh. Gross. "Ah, thank you, but I'm alright without a—"

"No," he argued. "You deserve it, so you'll have it."

He kissed my shoulder, making me jump at the brush to bare skin. I didn't know where my jacket had ended up, lost between jumping into the void and waking up in this basement, but my arms were now bare.

"Are you going to cry again?" he asked gently, curving his big hand down my side to my hip.

I hadn't even noticed I stopped crying, but I felt emptied of emotion, raw in a way I hated.

"Not if you leave me alone," I answered, trying to stay defiant even as his kisses travelled across my collarbone, giving me strange flutters in my belly.

Sang growled against my skin. "We've spoken about this, Hala. I'm not letting you go. You're mine to keep. Mine to take care of."

I jumped when his hand slid across my hip and dipped inside my yoga pants. "Oh, god."

"No, I'm Sang," he replied, kissing the hollow of my throat. "Your Sanguine. Remember?"

"Ah," I breathed, wide eyed as he slowly stroked my bare hip bone. "I guess?"

He nodded, satisfied. "I'm sorry for making you cry, sweet human." He stroked lower, making my whole body tense. Uh, where exactly was he going with this? I was suddenly nervous for a whole other reason than being tortured. And extra nervous because part of me knew I wouldn't fight it; I was so desperate for care and touch, I'd cling to anyone.1

"So let me apologise," Sang continued, kissing lower, his lips finding the curves of my boobs through my vest. "Let me make you feel good."

"Ah, I'm not sure that's a good ide—ohhh," I breathed when his fingers slid through my pussy, finding me embarrassingly wet.

He made a deep, rumbling purr, circling my clit with slick fingers and making my tense body shudder. "Feel good, sweet human?"

Say no,I hissed at myself.Just say no.

"Yes," I blurted, dampening my bottom lip with my tongue as tingling heat spread through me.

"Mmm," Sang purred, a smile on his rugged face. He worked my clit slowly, making me shudder, my mind spinning with how fast he'd gone from threatening me with a scalpel to hugging me to dragging his fingers through my arousal. This was insane, but right now it felt too good to fight.

"That's my human," he praised when I gasped at a spike of pleasure. "Let me hear your cries, show me how good it feels.

"You're crazy," I choked out, a gasp rupturing my breathing when he grinned, dimples appearing in his cheeks and his slit-pupiled eyes crinkling.

He was a psycho, a monster, and far beyond dangerous. I'd never been more in danger in my whole life, and yet I didn't fight as Sang's fingers spread heat and pleasure through my whole body.

"Crazy for you," he replied, his lips brushing my chest.

I groaned at the cliché, then whimpered when his fingers quickened, drawing torturous circles on my clit. I never came with anyone else before, but I could feel it now, with this deadly shadowkind monster, and maybe that made me the crazy one. My climax began to build, wrecking my breathing, making my hands curl into fists where they were pinned above me.

"Look at me," Sang ordered, husky and rough, and I was powerless to disobey, my stare snapping right to his face as he grinned fiercer, triumph shining in his yellow eyes. "Don't look away."
