Page 21 of Demon’s Reign

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Slightly emboldened, I moved closer to the door and knocked again with more vigor. On the last knock, the door gave under my assault, swaying inward.Sin!I scrambled to grab it before it could swing all the way open but missed, tumbling inside.

Landing on my hands and knees, I winced as they smarted. I picked myself back up, turning to flee, but before I could, I caught sight of the room and gaped.

No longer bright and beautifully decorated to emulate the forest, the room was dark and plain. The crystal chandelier over the sitting room was out, and the sconces on the walls were the only source of light that cast eerie shadows around the sparsely furnished room and the bare walls. The couches were gone, replaced with . . . piles of fur?

Who the sin was this guy?

Shuddering, I spun, smacking into a bare chest. My brain screamed, my mouth catching up a second later as a pair of hands gripped my upper arms, pushing me back.

I lifted my gaze from the chiseled chest to gold eyes staring down at me. Ryker stood there, my golems on either side of him, his own guard directly behind him. My heart thundered, trying to tear itself out of my body. Fire ignited in my cheeks, burning through me as I ripped out of Ryker’s grasp and bowed. “Please forgive me!” This had better work.

It was probably only a few seconds, but felt like an eternity before a light touch brushed my arm. I fought not to flinch away. Inhaling, I rose and—trying to ignore his bare chest, gleaming in sweat—met his quizzical gaze. Messy black hair framed his tan face, while the rest was pulled back into a tight braid. He raised an eyebrow.

“I-I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I knocked, and the door was open and then I tripped and—”

Ryker’s hand shot out, and he lifted a finger to my lips. I tripped backward, wide eyed and suppressed the urge to glare. I wastryingto apologize.

His eyes raked over me, making me squirm, and he smirked. Jerk. Head held high, he brushed past me into the room, heading toward a wooden chest against the back wall. I stared. Crisscrossing his shoulder blades was a collection of intricate symbols tattooed on his tan skin.

I gulped, moving closer to my guards, who remained on either side of me. This was such a bad idea. How was I ever supposed to act like I was interested inhim? He probably wasn’t even capable of love.

Ryker opened the chest and rummaged around in it before straightening and turning to face me. He focused on whatever was in his hands—a small book of parchment and a quill. He started scribbling something as he approached, coming to a stop at my side.

He handed me the note, and I squinted, trying to decipher his awful penmanship.

We should stop meeting like this.A laugh escaped me before I could help it, and I glanced up, my cheeks still hot. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to keep running into you—you’re just really good at sneaking up on me.” Like a well-trained assassin.His full lips twitched as if he were fighting back a smile.

“I really didn’t mean to break into your room and interrupt. . . whatever you were doing.” I gestured to his sweaty skin and averted my eyes. “I was just coming to apologize for how I’ve been acting—I’m sorry.”

Ryker narrowed his gaze before scribbling another note and passing it over.You didn’t interrupt. I was just returning from the training hall. What changed? Why aren’t you afraid of me anymore?

I gulped, twisting the note in my hands. “Nothing’s changed,” I said truthfully. “You still terrify me, but I’ve come to the realization that maybe I’m more afraid of dying alone.”

Ryker inhaled sharply, and I looked up just as he turned his head, but it was too late. I’d already seen the emotion he’d tried to hide.Fear. His fingers twitched, and an idea began to form.

“Your hands, that’s how you communicate, right?” I asked, brushing my fingers over his and struggling not to shudder at touching the hands of a killer. His eyes widened infinitesimally, and he pulled away. Was he scared of a little girl? I had to suppress my grin. “Maybe you could teach me sometime?”

Ryker’s eyes narrowed. Of course he saw through my act—he was a trained assassin, how could he not? After a long moment, his lips pulled into a frown and he scratched out another note.

I can only assume why you’re here, Princess, but I can’t understand it. How are you okay with this arrangement? With being given to a complete stranger?

Sin. I swallowed hard and the paper I held shook as my hand started to tremble. I definitely hadn’t expected the conversation to take a turn in this direction. Ari had said that Ryker was aware of the empress’ expectations, but she’d also made it seem like he was somewhat against the notion of being with me and I hadn’t thought he’d broach the subject of our impending union.

Honestly? I wasn’t sure how ‘okay’ I was with the whole situation, but this wasn’t about me or him. I tried to keep my voice steady as I spoke. “It’s essential to ensure the future of my empress and people.”

Ryker tilted his head, disbelief playing across his features. He lifted his hand, reaching toward me and I stiffened, closing my eyes and bracing myself. But his touch never came. More scratching ensued and I cracked one eyelid. He held out another piece of paper.

You can relax, Princess. I’m not going to touch you.

I exhaled, relaxing slightly before another thought doused me with anxiety once more. “Wait, like ever?”

He turned away, shaking his head.

“But you have to—the empress demands it—”

He spun, his teeth bared in a silent snarl and signed something with jerky movements of his hands. Though I had no clue what he was saying, it was obvious he was upset and I cowered before him. Ari had said I might have to convince him to be with me, but his ire was the last thing I’d been expecting. He had signed up for this after all. Supposedly.

He sighed, running his hands through his dark hair. His unusual eyes surveyed me as if he could stare into my soul. I shivered, but didn’t look away. The muscles feathered along his jaw, and his features grew stony. He signed something else I didn’t understand and pointed to me. With a mocking sweep of his arm, he gestured to the bed, a sneer curling his lip.
