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Elaine suddenly frowned.

What was this man hoping tae achieve with this moaning nonsense?

Once they began moaning and groaning, their noises were for the benefit of those not in the room with them. Nonetheless, it made no sense. He was the laird. Why did he care what others thought of his bedchamber activities? Surely, as ruler of all, he could do whatever he pleased without explanation.

“I swear, it will be the last time,” he said.

Elaine had allowedher façadetoslip a little, and when she realized she was frowning at his request, she shook herself and smiled.

“Of course, my Laird.”

“Duncan,” he said firmly.

They began the ridiculous act of moaning and groaning once more. And, whereas she had felt completely embarrassed doing it before, she felt a little less so this time. However, the strange feelings that had resulted from making such sounds did not feel any less strange. Her arousal was obvious from the start. Elaine felt a heat rising deep within her, similar to the reactions the laird had elicited when his lips softly caressed her neck, followed quickly by the thought of what it might be like if hedid indeed lay with her. The sensation was vexing. She was supposed to despise him because of what he had done to her family. And yet, he could cause such a reaction within her.

After some time, the laird brought their noises to an end, and he smiled at her once more.

“I cannae deny it, Elaine. Yer quite good at that.”

Elaine shrugged, desperately trying to hide the arousal and frustration that battled within her. “I suppose ‘tis only noise, my… Duncan.”

The laird smiled satisfactorily at her correction as though pleased that she had finally managed to get it right, like a child who had been trained and now could obey.

“Well, I am sure yer tired after all suchnoise,” he said, the corner of his mouth lifting. “It is time we slept.”

He did notlook at her while she undressed, which, in ways,felt a little ridiculous after what they'd done all evening. The laird finally approached the bed after she had stripped to her shift and slid beneath the coverlets and furs. Even so, instead of slipping beneath the furs, he remained fully clothed and sat on them. With her task in mind, she had no chance of sleeping beside a complete stranger. Elaine closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She would need to wait for him to do the same before she could begin.

Elaine could not know how much time had passed, an hour, maybe more. But eventually, she heard the soft and heavy breathing of Duncan asleep beside her. Though the idea of what she now had to do terrified her, Rhona’s plight strengthened her resolve. Her sister was out there somewhere, being held against her will by an ogre of a man. Elaine was her only hope.

She slipped out of bed, her feet paddingsilently across the cold concrete floor to a chair where her clothes were neatly folded in a pile. However, she ignored them and bent toward the shoes she had placed on the floor beneath them. She reached into her left shoe, retrievingthe piece of paper the mystery man had given her, and opened it. She returned her attention to the ring drawing on the paper in front of her.

The ring had a thick band and a single stone in a raised casing, but she had no idea what color the stone was because the drawing was scribbled in charcoal. Elaine looked around the vast bedchamber, wondering where on earth she might find the only thing that could save her sister. Shemoved toward the heavy dresser in the corner where the wine sat, with a final glance toward Duncan to ensure he was completely asleep, and began her search.


The breakfast hall was already alive with activity when Duncan strode in. He could not help but notice the attention his presence brought with it. Flickered glances crossed from one servant to another, followed by knowing smiles. As he made his way to the top table at the far end of the room, he was pleased that his plan had worked, and a growing satisfaction built within him.

“Well, there he is, ” Finn smirked.

Finn sat next to Keir as they ate bread and cold meats. His brother and close companion appeared to be just as pleased as he was. Duncan had barely sat beside them when a servant girl arrived to fill his cup, then moved behind him to attend to Finn and Keir.

“Was there something in yer wine at dinner last night, Duncan?” Finn grinned.

Duncan feigned ignorance. “I dinnae think so, Finn. Why dae ye ask?”

Finn tipped his head and snorted. “Aye, ye ken rightly why I’m asking.”

“I dae?” Duncan shrugged innocently.

“It’s all over the castle, ye ken. From what I hear, ye were quite a beast in yer bed last night. And nae only once, by all accounts.”

“Och, I think these maids must have been imagining it,” Duncan smirked. “Sure, I was sleeping all night.”

“Aye, sure ye were.” Keir nodded with a knowing smile. “Next ye’ll be telling us ye’ve got twelve toes on each o’ yer feet.”

“Have I never told ye that ‘afore?” Duncan said, pretending to look incredulous at his oversight.

“Well, what was she like?” Finn pressed, ignoring Duncan’s sarcasm.
