Page 8 of Claim Me

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I pray for him to move on quickly.

But I’m not that lucky.

He drops the clipboard and looks at me.

He repeats my name. “Zephyr Trist.”

Then, he does something that makes me want to die on the spot. He turns to the returning players and finds Rayn, making eye contact with him.

“Trist… any relation?”

Rayn looks at me with eyes as cold as ice.

He sets his jaw and crosses his arms.

“No, sir,” Rayn says gruffly. “I’ve never seen this person in my life.”

Coach shrugs. “Weird coincidence.”

And Coach moves on.

But Rayn does not.

His eyes are laser-focused on me and he will not let up.

I won’t either.

There’s no question about it now.

He knows.

And he is not happy about it.

Chapter Four


After what happened today at practice, I know that it’s time to get Zephyr out of his head and into some fun.

We’refinallyat college.

It’s time for us to go out.

In high school, Zephyr and I were kind of sheltered. I think his mom would have let him go to parties and drink and all of that, but mine wouldn’t, so he just stayed behind with me.

Our weekends were much tamer.

But we are at college now and he is a college football player.

We can go out with no curfew.


Zephyr tells me that he will pick me up from my dorm at 7 so that gives me an hour to turn myself into a sexy, college girl.

I take a look in my wardrobe and see nothing but Sandra Dee-looking outfits.

These will not make him see me in any new sort of light.
