Page 46 of Primal Urges

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The bigger question is…what does Wolfe want? He wants to hunt me like a predator. Based on the other night at the club, he likes control. The way he held my life, my breath in his hands so easily, it’s clear to tell he likespower. Force, then. He’ll force me. He’ll take what he wants and demand my submission. He told me he wanted me to claw him up, make him bleed.Fight. He likes the struggle.

Hide. I need to hide. And then, I’ll need to fight.

I’ve barely finished the thought when I trip over a large rock hidden beneath the tall weeds at the top of a small hill. A scream pierces the air, disrupting the quiet night as I crash into the ground. My hands break my fall, but the impact still burns my arms. I brace myself for the unforgiving, painful tumble down the hill I’m about to experience. I hit the ground, crying out in pain. I wrap my arms around my body protectively, and just as I begin to roll, something grips my long braids and pulls.

“Fuck,” I scream as the pain pulses through my scalp. Arms wrap around my body and tug me back up the few feet I’d fallen. Wolfe picks me up and drops me haphazardly on my knees. I brace my hands on the ground, feeling every burn and stabbing ache throughout my body as I stare at the ground woozily. I pant and gasp for breath in an attempt to gather my bearings and calm my erratic heart.

“Are you done?” he growls. It’s then that I notice his large feet planted just before me.

Time freezes. The wind dies. The world goes silent as though even mother nature knows this is a pivotal moment.I’m finally going to see him.Excitement replaces everything else until nothing exists but Wolfe and me.Slowly, I drag my hazy eyes up to meet the man who has consumed me for months. The man who fills my dreams. The man whose voice rings out in my ears even when I’m alone. The man who wants to make my fantasies a reality and so much more.

And come face to face…with a mask.

A terrifying fucking clown mask. It’s one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen in real life. Or maybe, it’s the man. Wolfe’s head is cocked to the side, his eyes almost transparent in the dark. He’s shirtless, wearing only jeans and Docs. I exhale a harsh breath that comes out in a high-pitched moan as I take in his body.

He’s beautiful.

His chest, stomach, and shoulders are completely covered in tattoos. Colorful ink in varying shades of blues and reds and greens cover him like a living, breathing work of art. His tattoos blend from one to the next, almost looking like an elbow-length t-shirt. His stomach is toned and muscular, as are his arms, but he’s long and lean. His Adonis belt is chiseled and has a long line of black hair right in the center, trailing beneath the low-slung waist of his pants like an arrow pointing to my treat.

“You’re perfect,” I breathe, meeting his gaze. There’s something familiar about his icy eyes but before I can contemplate it, he steps forward and releases a deep, animalist growl.

“I asked you a fucking question,” he barks. I jolt, shooting him a glare as I slowly climb to my feet. Our eyes remain locked on each other, and even though I can’t see his face beneath that creepy as hell mask, I see the exact moment he catches onto my intent. There’s a calculating gleam in his eyes. An understanding. A challenge. One I give back with just as much venom and heat.

I strike out faster than should be possible, given how sore I already am, and land a knee in his balls. I don’t miss the massively hard cock in his jeans, but I don’t have time to think about it as I spin on my heel and take off. “Fuck no. Come and get me, asshole!”

“Shit,” he shouts, making me laugh. Shit is right. Things are about to get extremely wild.

I take off toward a structure that looks like an old mausoleum as I go back to my original plan. Hide and then fight. If Wolfe wants to play, he’ll quickly learn that even though I want to give up control, he’s going to have to fight like hell to take it from me.

By the time I reach the dilapidated stone building, I feel as though I’ve been running for a lifetime. I know it’s the adrenaline and the sense of being chased. It all adds to the excitement and knowledge that soon, I’ll be caught. Soon, I’ll be in his hands, willingly forced to do whatever he wants.

“Fuck,” I whisper as my cunt clenches around nothing. I feel empty. So,soempty.

As I round the building, I realize it’s actually a row of them. I find a space between two of the bigger structures and squeeze myself between them, praying with all that is holy, there are no snakes or spiders already using the hiding space. I just need to catch my breath for a second. Need to wrap my head around this.

I stand in the quiet darkness, breathing slowly as I revel in the freedom the hunt makes me feel. There is nothing like it. There’s a reason kids run and play. They chase each other and beg for hide and seek. It’s the anticipation. Not knowing when someone’s going to pop out and scare you or grab you. Not knowing what’s coming next. Living on the edge of something spectacular. Except with this, there’s the reward of immense, earth-shattering pleasure at the end of it all.

“Come out, come out, Little Pet,” Wolfe taunts. My head snaps to the left, where I find him staring at me, head cocked to the side in that predatory way of his. My eyes widen in shock. I hadn’t even heard him sneak up on me. “Out.”

“Fuck off,” I snap as I inch backward, my eyes tracking his every move. My chest rises and falls rapidly with every slow, methodical step. He watches me just as intently. The clown mask has a wide grin painted where his mouth should be, but I swear, I can tell he’s smirking at me just as harshly.

When my back finally clears the tight gap between buildings, I make sure my footing is stable, shoot him a middle finger and take off like a bat out of hell. He cackles into the night air, a sound so demonic, so evil, chills race down my spine. I bolt down the path behind the various-sized stone buildings, my eyes flicking between straight ahead and to my right, where Wolfe is matching my every step.

I can see him watching me every time a gap opens up between buildings. It’s dizzying, like staring at a forest when you’re driving in the car. I look forward again, finding just three more buildings before the field opens up again.Shit.I glance back to my right at the next opening and find the space where Wolfe should be…empty.

My eyes snap forward just as my body slams into something hard, sending me flying backward on my ass. This time, there is no reprieve. There is no question as to whether or not I’m still in this. The fog is heavy around us as Wolfe straddles my body with his. His heavy weight lands on top of my pelvis, and his hands drop down onto my arms, pinning me to the cold, damp earth.

“Got you now, Little Fox,” he pants with a raspy chuckle. Leaning forward, he presses into me harder as we come face-to-face for the first time. I can’t see him, but I can feel him. He’s hot and hard as he grinds his cock into my belly. “Look how beautiful you are when you’re frightened.”

“I’m not scared,” I grunt, shoving him off with all my might. I barely knock him to the side. He regains his position immediately, not granting me a reprieve.

“Liar,” he whispers, leaning in further and inhaling the sweaty scent along my neck. “You smell like lilacs and sin, baby.” I start to moan at his words, then cut myself off, tucking my lips into my mouth. Wolfe chuckles again as he shifts his hips, lining his cock up with my aching core. He grinds down harder, and this time, I can’t keep the moan at bay. “There she is. My greedy little whore. Tell me how wet this pussy is for me right now?”

“I’m not,” I protest, shaking my head from side to side. “You’re delusional.”

We both know I’m lying, but it’s all part of the fun, part of the scene. Sinking in deeper and deeper into the role-play, knowing it will pay off. He throws his head back and laughs maniacally. I use his distraction to rip my arms free from his hold, catching him off guard. I shove his chest, but he has me pinned solidly into the earth. I scratch and claw, raking my fingernails down his exposed skin. My nails drag across his pecs and catch on…nipple piercings?

Fuck. That’s so sexy.I want to bite.
