Page 55 of Primal Urges

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“Kill,” I murmur.

I feel him nod against my skin. “Such a good fucking girl. Use it if it’s too much. Promise?” I nod again. “This is the last kind thing I’ll do for you tonight, you dirty lying bitch. Don’t forget it.” And then, his lips are on mine.

I gasp into his mouth in shock. It takes me a moment to realize what’s happening, but when I do, I eagerly soak him in. I inhale his scent and devour his flavor. I kiss him with as much passion, as much feeling as I possibly can in this position. He gives everything back, just as roughly, just as emotionally. We pour all of our feelings, our connection, our bond into that kiss.Our first kiss.

It goes on and on, and it’s everything.Everything. I whimper and beg into his mouth. I tug on his thick lips. I greedily suck on his tongue, trying topull him into me. Trying toconsumehim. When he finally pulls away, we’re both breathing heavily, and I have tears in my eyes. I don’t know why, but I don’t fight them or hide them. I let them slip down my cheeks, silently telling him how much he means to me.


Wolfe whispers something incoherent when he sees them before leaning in and licking them from my skin. When he’s cleaned them all, he sits up and grabs the belt before harshly shoving it between my teeth, in the direct opposite of the kindness he’d just shown me.

“When I ask you a question, you answer it. Do you understand me, Pet?” he barks, brandishing his knife once more. My eyes follow the weapon with every single breath. I nod my understanding.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him smile before making a quick, sharp cut across my left breast. I gasp, clenching my teeth down on the leather belt. He pinches my flesh, watching as blood wells and then spills over the small cut. He leans in, locking eyes with me, and licks the wound before latching onto it andsucking. His eyes close, and he moans like I’m the best thing he’s ever tasted. Pain-filled pleasure ignites a fire low in my belly that intensifies as he repeats the process on my right breast, and then my sternum, my clavicle, my hip, and then the other.

He slices.

He licks.

He sucks.

The nicks are tiny, not much bigger than a thick paper cut, but they burn like hell. Especially when he licks them. But the sucking…that’s where the pleasure comes from. It feels like he has a direct line to my clit. By the time he reaches my pussy, I’m soaking wet and trembling from head to toe. Tears are coursing down my cheeks rapidly, but we both ignore them. Wolfe sits up, locking gazes with me. His lips and chin are stained red, and his eyes are glossed over. He looks like a vampire.

He looks like Edward.

I barely contain a grin at the thought. Only the knowledge that Wolfe is pointing a sharp blade at my cunt has me acting right.

“You don’t deserve to cum, Pet, do you?” I nod as a pitiful whimper escapes me. His jaw tenses, and the tip of the knife connects with my clit. I change my mind, shaking my head rapidly as a sob gets caught in my throat. “No? Does that mean you lied to me…again?”

My eyes widen as I continue to shake my head, mumblingno, no, no,but it comes out muffled beneath the belt.

“I think you just lied to me, Pet. What happens to liars?” I sob at his question, clenching my jaw so hard against the belt the leather cracks. He presses forward, nicking my clit with the sharp tip of the knife. “They get punished like the bad girls they are.” And then, he’s tossing the knife in the air in a practiced move. I scream as he catches it by the blade and thrusts the wide, long handle into my pussy. “Don’t you dare cum, Rayvn. If you do, this will be so much fucking worse for you. Do you understand me?”

I sob harder but nod, even though that one thrust had me already on the edge of all-consuming bliss. Wolfe pulls the knife free and drops it on the bed, leaving me achingly empty. He leans forward and clamps his teeth around my nipple.

“I own you, Little Fox,” he growls against my flesh as he begins to suck sweetly on my burning, bruised nipple. “Nod your head if you agree. I own you.” When I don’t immediately respond, too consumed by the maelstrom of emotions and pain-filled pleasure filling my body, he bites down again, harder. I scream and flail, getting absolutely nowhere. “Say it!” he snaps, slapping my other breast before gripping it roughly and squeezing.

I nod. “Yes, Wolfe,” I cry out. He smiles and begins to massage and kiss every inch of both breasts, soothing the pain and bruises as he mumbles what a good, sweet girl I am, again and again.

“That’s right.Mine.” He kisses down my body, paying extra attention to the cuts. “You don’t deserve this, do you? You’re nothing but a fucktoy for my pleasure. Mine to use. Mine to fuck. My to play with. My filthy little cumdumpster doesn’t deserve pleasure. Say it.” He growls the words, sounding slightly possessed, as his mouth hovers inches over my aching cunt. My hips thrust up as I try to force him closer. He reaches up and slaps me in response.

My head snaps to the side and even though my cheek burns, I’m more turned on than ever before. I scream in frustration, spitting out the belt, “I don’t deserve it,” I cry out. “I’m your fucktoy, Wolfe.Yours.You can do whatever you want to me, but please,please, just do something.” I’m sobbing, panting, trembling. I’ve been on the edge for so long, I’m in physical pain, and it’s not from the cuts or the bruises. It’s from him. “Please let me cum.”

He barks out a harsh laugh and slaps me again, this time on my dripping pussy. It’s too rough to feel good, and he somehow manages to avoid my clit altogether.

“Fuck. You are desperate, aren’t you? Begging me like a bitch in heat, greedy for whatever I’ll give you.” He picks the knife back up and pauses with it suspended mid-air. “I wonder,” he murmurs, his masked face tilted to the side, a wry grin spread across his full mouth. “Are you so hard up for it that you’d let me fuck you anyway I see fit? Are you so strung out that anything shoved up your gaping cunt would do?”

Everything stills inside me as I force my frantic thrashing to subside. My eyes lock on his, and I see it then…the intent. The insanity that lurks beneath his tattooed skin. Wolfe’s gaze never leaves mine as he slowly lowers the knife to my pussy, blade first. I want to run. I want to scream and cry. My legs tremble with the force of how hard I’m tugging against the bindings in an effort to hide my sensitive flesh. I freeze when I feel the cold metal glide down my slit. There’s no pressure, no pain, but the threat is there.

“What would you do if I shoved this knife into your soaking wet hole? Would you cry so prettily for me, Sweetling? Would you scream for me to stop?” The tip rests against my opening, and my heart tries to escape my body in response. My head grows weary and foggy as unparalleled fear fills me. “Or would you beg and bargain to any god who will listen, for me you give you more? How greedy is my dirty little bitch, exactly?”

“Wolfe,” I breathe, my eyes locked onto his familiar, odd clear blues. Something passes between us as I try to figure out if he’s being serious or not. He says nothing as he slips it in an inch. I feel the pressure then, the tiny sting from a nick at my opening. My mouth opens, my safe word sitting on the tip of my tongue, but for some reason, I don’t say it. Instead, what comes out is the real, honest truth. It feels like both a prayer and a sin as the words slip from my mouth. “I trust you.”

Wolves eyes widen in shock as a choked sound escapes him. He blinks a few times as though my declaration has pulled him from somewhere else. He yanks the knife from my entrance, flips it around, and roughly shoves it back in. This time, there is no controlling the orgasm. I try. I try so fucking hard, but it’s impossible. I scream as my back and ass fly from the bed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I cry out, repeating the words again and again as I clench around the knife handle. He fucks me through it, not stopping or pausing even for a second. He says nothing, but as I come down from the high and feel Wolfe continuing to fuck me with the knife, I realize what my punishment is.

He doesn’t stop. Doesn’t falter. Doesn’t slow down as he wrings orgasm after orgasm from my exhausted body. It goes on and on and on.
