Page 62 of Primal Urges

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From the moment I left my house, I’ve been calling her nonstop. I pushed my bike to its absolute limits, knowing I needed to get to her. An ache was deep in my chest, tugging and pulling me, demanding I find her. I don’t know if it’s the distance between us the last few days or how we left things, but I need to see my girl. Need to hold her, comfort her,love her. And I do. I love Rayvn Porter with all that I am. Every dark, broken, ugly shard of my soul is hers if she’ll have me. Not that I’ll let her go.

I rush through the densely covered forest in the direction she was headed. Is she running? No, she wouldn’t do that. Not alone, this late and this far out. Months ago, I did research when I knew she’d be spending time out here. I accessed the public records and deeds for the land, saving maps to my phone just in case. A fact I’m glad about now.

We’re close to the large lake, about three miles south of Logan Huxley’s parent’s home. All three brothers and their parents have a custom-built home on the 300 hundred acre plot, but they’re well spaced out. There are trails for walking and a web of roads that weave throughout the land for vehicles. Maybe she’s in her car or wanted to come out to the lake?

Maybe she’s doing a scene with someone else.Anger fills me at the thought. Fuck no, she wouldn’t.You fucked up. She deserves someone better.I use the rage that thought causes to propel me forward, pushing my muscles to the limit. I open my mouth to call out her name but freeze when a loud sound rings out through the night, followed by a scream. My breaths heave in and out as I listen intently. Was that a–

It rings out again, and this time, I’m sure. A gunshot.

Panic fills me, replacing everything else, and I take off like a rocket, heading toward the sound. Another shot. No scream follows it this time, and I almost throw up at the implications. I find myself praying to a God I don’t believe in as I weave through the thick forest.

Please, no. Please let her be okay.

Another scream has me veering to the left. Then a shout, this one male. Fuck no. It’s him, I just know it. Sutton’s here, and he has my girl. Every vile thing I read about him today filters through my brain like a macabre slideshow. He’s a rapist. A murderer. The worst of the worst andhe has her.

Violence like I’ve never known fills me so fast and so quickly my vision flickers. A red haze coats the forest, and I know I’ve lost myself to the beast.

Protect. Kill. Claim. Mine.

The words mingle with my panting breaths, the crunching of leaves beneath my boots and the wind blowing through the trees, creating a sick and twisted soundtrack to my mania. I will kill him. There is no question. If he lays a finger on her, I will destroy him.

It doesn’t take me long before their voices come in clearer. I can hear him taunting her. I can hear her crying and whimpering, but she doesn’t speak. She doesn’t beg or break. My brave, strong girl. Pride replaces some of the destruction coursing through me, allowing reason to seep in through the fog. I slow my pace, knowing he has a gun and I’ll need to be careful. The last thing I want is to spook him and have Ray get caught in the middle of a fight.

I step into a small clearing, and the sight before me has me ready to go back on everything I just said. Vincent Sutton is pinningmy womanto the ground. He’s grinding his cock into her perfect flesh and groping her body. As I step forward, silently closing the distance between us, I realize that’s not all he’s doing. He’s admitting his sins to her like every stereotypical villain does before they die. He thinks he’s going to kill Rayvn and that she’ll take his confession to her grave alongside her.

He’s so fucking wrong.

I pull my phone out and hit record before sliding it back into my pocket. I pull my knife from my jacket and flick the blade open as I step in behind him. He’s so distracted from the sight of my girl beneath him, he doesn’t even see me. He’s freely touching what does not belong to him, and the need to remove his hands from his body had me shaking with rage.

But then, I see the gun. Sutton laughs at her, and I lean forward, lifting the knife. I watch Ray turn her head to the side and vomit, causing me to freeze as he digs the gun in deeper. Sutton does something that has her head snapping back to him, and finally,finally, my girl sees me. The relief in her eyes has my knees shaking and damn near giving out. My heart races, and my fist flexes against the knife.

What will she do if I kill him here and now? Will she be relieved? Will she hate me? My frantic thoughts are cut off when My Little Fox opens her mouth and whispers the one word that has my control snapping.


It’s a command as much as it is an omission. I’m still hers. Her safe space. Her love.Her Wolfe.

“Oh, I will, bitch. Just as soon as I get a taste of this filthy cunt,” Sutton barks out a laugh. My body trembles as possession and anger like I’ve never felt before consumes me.

My eyes never leave hers as I slowly bring the knife up, letting her see my intent. The same knife that brought her so much pleasure and ecstasy. It’s kismet, really. I smile beneath my mask as I use the knife coated in my woman’s cum and blood to slay her demons. Rayvn’s eyes widen a fraction, but then, my little demon’s lip tilts up in the faintest hint of a smirk. I can see Sutton’s arm pumping, and I know what he’s doing to her, yet, she’s smiling at me, confident in what’s about to happen. Knowing it’s almost over.

Not waiting another second, I grip his hair tightly in one hand and bring the knife down on his throat with the other, slicing clean and deep. My eyes are locked on Rayvn’s as blood spurts out between us. I don’t know what I expect to see, but it’s not her pupils dilating and her smile widening. I toss the sick fuck to side by my grip on his hair, removing his body from hers.

It’s not enough. He touched her.

Mine. Claim. Fill. Fuck.

“Are you here to save me, Wolfey?” she whispers, her tone reverent. I bend down slowly, my mind no longer my own.

“No,” I murmur, wiping the bloody knife across her cheeks, painting her in her enemies blood. She sucks in a sharp breath but doesn’t move or protest.My Little Fox. Mine.“I’m here to ruin you. Prepare yourself.”

It’s the truth. The honest, heartfelt truth. Because even if I can find a way to love her with all that I have, I’m still not the good guy. I’m still less than she deserves, and as the ugly thing that lives inside of me is proving at this very second, a life with me is a life with him. There will never be sunshine and rainbows. There won’t be flowers and easy affection. It will be dark and gritty and oh so fucking hot. I’ll love her till my dying breath, but it’s not the kind of love Rayvn Porter deserves.

It’s a one-way ticket to Hell with the motherfucking Devil.

Bending down, I pick up Sutton’s abandoned gun as I push to my feet. Towering over her, I cock my head to the side. This is it. “I knew you would consume me the moment I set my eyes on you, Little Fox. But it’s too late for me to stop it. I can’t. This is your last chance to escape me. To change your mind. Run, and run hard because when I catch you–” I break off, stepping away and giving her space to move. “It’s game fucking over.I will own you.”

She stares at me, a mixture of fear and shock filling her perfect tear-stained face. She looks beautiful like this, except it’s notmyhandprint on her cheek and neck. It’s notmytouch lingering on her skin and between her thighs. It’s not my spit dripping down her perfect pussy.
