Page 34 of Pretty Little Lies

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As soon as he’s satisfied that I cleaned him up well enough, Nicolo tucks his cock back into his pants and zips them up. Without a word, Nicolo turns to leave, and I remain kneeling, too stunned by what just happened to say anything. When he gets to the door, Nicolo glances over his shoulder and chuckles darkly.

“Clean yourself up. You look like a fucking mess.” Then he opens the door and vanishes into the hallway, leaving me alone.

Tears stream down my cheeks, mingling with his cum, and I don’t want to touch my face with my hands. Looking toward the cubby area, I spot a box of Kleenex and hurry over to it, snatching one after another until I have a thick wad. Forcefully wiping my face clean of the cum, I bite my lips to keep quiet as I sob.

I hate Nicolo. I hate him for everything he’s done. But I hate myself worse because, despite how absolutely terrible he’s been to me, I’m still turned on. My clit pulses every time the fabric of my leotard shifts against it, and I’m so wet, I think I might see a spot soaking through, like I’ve wet myself. I think I might be less embarrassed if I had.

I take deep breaths as I try to calm my tears, and slowly, the tension behind my eyes eases. I need something to ease how horribly stressed I am. Glancing toward the door, I check to make sure no one’s about to come in. Then I reach beneath my dance skirt and press my fingers between my thighs to touch the wet fabric. My core tightens at the light contact.

Swallowing hard, I push aside the fabric of my leotard and work my leggings down until I can slide my fingers beneath the stretchy fabric. I gasp as I find my slick folds and stroke them lightly, realizing just how wet I got from my interaction with Nicolo.

Using my arousal, I shift my fingers to graze my clit and have to bite back a moan of pleasure. Slowly at first, I start to circle the sensitive nub, intensifying my excitement as my mind takes me back to Nicolo’s lips crushed to mine, his hands groping my ass as his cock dug into my pubic bone.

The sound of air hissing between his teeth in response to my lips around his cock echoes in my mind, and my legs tremble as pleasure courses through my body, setting my skin on fire even as goosebumps lift the hair on the back of my neck.

I circle my fingers more quickly, and zings of ecstasy sip up my spine. I’m close to finding my release. I know it from the elastic ball of tension growing tighter in my core. I tip my head back, gripping the barre with my free hand just as he did, breathing deeply through my nose as my mind shifts to the feel of Nicolo’s hand gripping my hair, his silky cockhead slamming against the back of my throat.

With a violent shudder, I come, my pussy clenching and my clit throbbing as I gasp from the overwhelming wave of euphoria. I continue to press down on my sensitive bundle of nerves until the last of my aftershocks subside. Then I slowly withdraw my hand from beneath my leggings and adjust them back into place. The relief of orgasm is so fleeting once my reality comes crashing back down on me.

I’ve signed my body over to Nicolo. I’m now his toy to do with as he pleases, and after today, I shudder to think of just what he might make me do. On top of that, I no longer have a dance partner for the winter showcase. And rather than going during practice to discuss my options with Professor Moriari, I’ve been on my knees in the next room, giving my first blowjob to the person I hate most in the world–who also happens to be the father of my child.


I desperately want to go home, take a shower, and disappear under my blankets for the rest of the night, but I need to clean myself up, get my act together, and go speak to my professor before the practice hour is up. I don’t know what I’m going to do for a new partner now that Fin’s arm is busted. He won’t be back in time for the winter showcase. My heart aches knowing that he’s in the hospital because of me. I was stupid to have put up such a futile fight. Fin’s future is ruined, and I’m in the same horrible position I would have been in any way.

Fresh tears sting the back of my eyes, but I choke them down as I head from the studio toward the bathroom. Leaning over the sink, I turn the faucet on and splash my face with water, scrubbing it vigorously to try and get it clean. But even after it’s spotless and I’ve dried it thoroughly, when I look at my face, all I can see is the cum that had coated it like haphazard splatter paint.

Taking deep breaths, I coach myself to suck it up as I glare at myself in the mirror. When I’m fortified enough to go speak to my professor after what I’ve just done, I turn and march onward, leaving myself no room for hesitation. Still, in the back of my mind, I can’t stop thinking about what my life has become in such a short amount of time.



As my driver pulls up to the shabby, tan-brick apartment building in Uptown to collect Anya for our first date, she’s sitting on the front steps, waiting for me like I told her to be.Nice to see she can follow directions when the occasion arises. But as I take in the dilapidated structure and the poor repair of the neighborhood around her, I’m intensely aware of the financial gap between her and me. I can’t wait to see her reaction to the date I have in store for her. Now that she’s agreed to be mine, I plan on showing her the kind of luxury she can enjoy as long as I’m interested in her.

My bodyguard Seb, who’s closest to the curb, opens his door and steps out to help Anya inside the luxury SUV. Anya slips gracefully onto the seat facing me, clad in worn jeans and a simple maroon T-shirt that contrasts her cream-colored skin and emphasizes her full, naturally pink lips. I like seeing her in something other than her dance clothes. She’s going to look even better once I get the chance to dress her.

She’s wearing minimal makeup, though I can tell she put a bit of effort into her appearance because her long golden hair cascades over her shoulders in waves. Down for once and tempting me to grab a handful to kiss her. But I remain nonchalantly reclined against my seat, eyeing her appreciatively as I smile. Anya glances around nervously, meeting both my bodyguards’ eyes for a moment before her gaze lands on mine. She looks intimidated.

“Are you ready to see how the better half lives?” I ask playfully.

Anya’s cheeks color slightly. “Sure,” she says simply.

“I have a surprise for you,” I press, wanting to get a reaction out of her.

She nods silently, and that just irks me further. She better give me more than that when she finds out what it is.

Seb closes the door after climbing in, and my driver pulls back out onto the street, heading toward the Magnificent Mile and the high-end luxury shopping district. The car is quiet the entire ride, and Anya watches out the window. Her eyes grow wide when we pull up outside of 900 Shops, an impressive skyscraper by all accounts, with seven levels of brand name shops occupying the bottom floors. Her response this time is much more appropriate.

Seb opens the door again, and I gesture for Anya to get out first.

“Be ready to pick us up when I call,” I tell my driver as I follow her from the car, buttoning my suit jacket once I’m standing.

I place my hand on the small of her back as I guide Anya inside the mall, leaving my men to wait for me outside. Entering through the glass doors, Anya slows as she takes in the grandeur of the vast space, the vaulted ceilings that loom high above the mall’s seven floors. A brilliant set of cohesive images give the impression of skylights, mimicking the branches of a blossoming cherry tree on a blue-sky day.

Anya’s lips part in awe as her eyes wander up the levels of the mall, the bridges that arch across the space, offering walkways from one side to the other. I smile at how round her eyes grow.

“Come on,” I command gently, pressing her forward as I guide her toward the escalators. “We have an appointment to keep.

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