Page 82 of Pretty Little Lies

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“You stayed to watch!” I pull my friend into a hug.

“Of course.” She gives me a squeeze before releasing me. “You were breathtaking.”

“So were you,” I say.

I turn to head toward the dressing rooms and am greeted by the sight of Clara leading Nicolo by the pinky as she makes her way toward me.

“Hi, baby girl.”

I bend, opening my arms to her, and Clara releases Nicolo’s hand to close the distance between us. Tutu or not, she doesn’t care, and her legs and arms wrap around me like a monkey as I scoop her up.

“You were incredible,” Nicolo says, his eyes dancing with a fire that makes my stomach quiver. Leaning in, he wraps his arms around Clara and me as he presses a chaste kiss to my lips.

Anticipation builds inside me at the silent promise of what’s to come later tonight. If I had hopes for what my relationship with Nicolo might become, we have soared above and beyond those by leaps and bounds. I’m blown away by the level of commitment he has shown Clara and me since the day he found out about her.

Trips to the zoo, ice skating, and hot chocolate at Millenium Park, he’s been a part of all our fun family activities. And more than that. My heart swells with love as I think about our simple movie night last night, curled up by his gas fireplace as we watchedFrozenfor the third time in as many weeks. It’s Clara’s new favorite, and Nicolo has endured watching it on repeat like a true champ.

He’s even spent considerable time winning over my aunt, who’s given him the most challenging time, presiding over our relationship with skepticism until Nicolo could prove he meant every word he said. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know he did.

At times, it can still be hard to wrap my mind around the fact that he is the eldest son born to a mafia family. I know he makes money through less-than-honest means. And while I still struggle with his life in the mafia, I can’t see leaving him for anything. I love too much about him to even consider it, and now I can both follow my dreams and be happy with the man I love. He’s the father of my child, and every day, he becomes a better man.

With the winter showcase over, we now have three weeks of uninterrupted vacation time together as a family, and I look forward to it.

“What do you say I go get changed, and then we head home?” I suggest, giving Clara an Eskimo kiss.

“Yeah!” she shouts enthusiastically.

I set her gently on the floor, and her tiny hand wraps around Nicolo’s pinky once more. Every time, it makes my heart ache with happiness to see how close they’ve become in such a short time. Clara loves her papa, though she always assures me in a stage whisper that I’m still her favorite.

It never fails to make Nicolo laugh. “As is only right,” he agrees. “Your mom is what makes the sun shine and the birds sing.”

“Really?” Clara asked in awe the first time he said it.

“No, baby girl. He only means that I’m important to you both.”

Still, those words melt me into a puddle every time. I would never have thought Nicolo could be so romantic. Charming, I never doubted. But I’m astounded by how tender and loving he’s proven to be. From a callous, ruthless bully, Nicolo has transformed into a man with incredible depth. I’ve loved every minute of getting to know more about him.Whoever would have guessed that my gut instinct back in high school had been right all along?We are something special together.

More importantly, I think we might just stand the test of time.
