Page 65 of The Whole Package

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A love I’ve seen in Warren’s eyes directed at me.

It made my freaking stomach flutter with butterflies.

But Henry only shook Warren’s hand before announcing that he was heading outside to man the grill, I thought Warren might offer to help, but he just watched a few of his other buddies, Garrett and Chris, head out instead. It was slightly awkward.

Then the rest of us converged around Linda in the kitchen, helping her with everything else she needed. Funny enough, Warren, Derek, Archer, and Enzo helped her cook side items and ready things while April and I sat at the island with glasses of iced tea and watched.

The conversation flowed easily between all of us, earmarked with barks of laughter and the guys joking around. The comfortable feeling between everyone showed me that this was a home of love and Linda was the mama bear for this group. I loved to see it.

Their home itself was a modest one, nestled into a quaint neighborhood that looked as if it’d been here for years and years. When I asked, Linda—who insisted I call her Mama Linda—had told me it was the home that Henry had purchased for them when he’d found out that Linda was about to bear them a baby boy.

He’d put in the extra hours at work to add to the fund he’d nestled away for years before that, just to come up with the down payment.

Linda told me that Henry’s construction company had bloomed over the last thirty years and they could have upgraded a multitude of times, but she wouldn’t leave behind the home they’d created.

The one where they’d made so many amazing memories.

“Mama Linda, you’ve outdone yourself,” Enzo says as he licks off his pinkie, he’d been the resident taste tester. I’ve yet to try an Enzo-made meal but from what I’ve heard, the man has a gift that he’s been honing for most of his life.

“You flatter me, dear,” Linda replies with a cheeky smile, clearly loving the attention from Warren’s friends.

Warren, being a son and obviously needing to act that way, rolls his eyes and shoves Enzo away from the sauce, just so he can get his own taste.

“So, honey, how goes the book stuff?” Linda asks as she tosses a salad like she’s a professional.

I dip a carrot into the dip in front of me. April munches on a veggie of her own and we wait for Warren to update his mother.

“It’s a slow business, I guess,” he answers vaguely. I know he’s been disappointed lately, and while his new agent is trying her best, so far, no publishers want to take on the poetry. It makes me mad on his behalf. “But I do have a gallery interested in some pieces.”

I perk up at this and look at him with wide eyes. “What? You do?” I try my best to keep the hurt out of my voice, but it’s not easy.

He gives me his attention. “I just got an email last night before going to sleep. I was going to call you today and tell you.”

That eases my tension some. Ever since he told me about his book, I’ve been dying to get my hands on it, but he hasn’t let anyone see it. Has kept it close to the chest. I would be mad if I was the only one out of the loop, but no one in his friend group—or our friend group, I guess—has been able to pry the information out of him either.

“A gallery?” Linda asks with a gasp and I smile in her direction. “Will there be a show or just a display?”

“From what the email said, there’s an opening night, then the art will be displayed for a few months. I haven’t been chosen yet, but hopefully if I do, I’ll get some sales from it.”

“Hopefully you’ll become a millionaire artist because the damn landlord is upping our rent again.”

“You fuckin— I mean, freaking kidding me?” Archer answers Derek. “They just upped it six months ago.”

“I know,” Derek replies, and the guys seem to mull over this new information.

“I’m going to have to get another freaking job,” Archer murmurs and sighs. Then seeming to realize everyone is watching him, his cheeks flush and he goes back to get plates and silverware set out. “No big deal. There’s always work to be had.”

I smile at Archer. From what I can tell, he seems like a really decent guy and if Warren’s theory is right, he’s completely and totally in love with Viviana Capello. I plan to keep an eye on that myself.

A shuffle from the sliding glass door has us turning our heads as Chris and Garrett come back inside. “Table’s all cleaned off.”

On the big deck in the back of their house is a giant outdoor table, complete with cushioned chairs. Though there are a couple of folding chairs pulled up to the table to accommodate the extra people here.

We all take our seats after Archer and Garrett have set the table and start to pass food around. There’s an easy affection as Linda points things out and we pass bowls and platters around. Warren sits next to me, keeping his chair close, and puts spoonfuls of food on my plate.

I smile and look around the table and for the first time, I feel like I’ve finally found a place where I belong.

Chapter Thirty-Eight
