Page 1 of Making the Cut

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Chapter One

“There was something to be said when you choose Kroger ice cream over Blue Bell. It said, ‘something is really wrong with you’.” – April


“We’re going to have to let you go.”

I blink. Then blink again when the image in front of my face doesn’t disappear.

This is a dream, right? I’m going to wake up and go to work, then make a double espresso and put on my fabulous red pumps and—

“Did you hear me, Viviana?”

I shake my head slightly and let out a small, light chuckle. “I’m sorry… what?”

Charlotte Armani—I’m pretty sure she made that name up—stares me down from the high horse she rode in on and waits for me to catch up to the conversation she’s been trying to initiate.

“Are you serious?” I ask when she doesn’t clarify any further.

“I’m sorry to do this to you.” No, she’s not. “But we no longer need you on the team here at Armani Marketing.”

I feel like I’m going to puke, cry, or scream. Since none of those options are technically available at the moment, I settle for a deep breath and straighten my spine in front of this dick of a boss who’s never treated me well.

“But I just got that huge campaign for the Pepsi Center.” I’d worked my tail off to get the campaign. It was huge for our company—or I guess, my former company.

“I know you did.” Her voice drops to a low and condescending one, and I wonder how hard it would be to reach across and punch her in the boob. “It’s just not working out. We need someone willing to go the extra mile.”

“Go… the extra mile,” I repeat slowly, visions and memories of missed nights out with friends, eating food in my car so as to not miss a second of work, working until midnight or later most nights just to get everything done.

“Yes, we’re a prestigious firm, Viviana, and I’m just afraid you don’t quite have the chops to make it here.”

Do you ever have an out-of-body experience where you don’t even really feel like you’re in the room anymore?

Yeah, I hadn’t either.

Until right. This. Second.

I stand from my chair and lean over the desk. “Let’s talk about chops, shall we?” I lean in closer, and Charlotte, having good preservation, leans back in her seat, her eyes wide. “Chops is staying late at work every single day of the week and coming in on weekends. Chops is giving up your social life just so you can make ends meet and become successful in your career, even though your friends are moving on in their lives without you while you’re stuck at work, doing the job your boss refuses to do.” I take a deep breath, watching her eyes grow wider. “Chops is not dragging your secretary into the office to screw his brains out during work hours!” My voice rises at the last bit, even though, for a while, I’d found that part of her life amusing. It was funny until I realized she was just using me to get ahead, only to toss me aside.

“I’m going to call security on you!” she screeches, reaching for her phone.

I stand, taking a deep breath and adjusting my blazer. “No need.” I bend and pick up my bag. I hadn’t even made it to my cubicle before she’d called me in today.

I march to her door and fling it open. I debate leaving without saying anything more, but then… I just can’t freaking resist.

“You just made a big mistake. Huge.”



“She’s got Organizing TikTok open and a carton of Kroger ice cream.”

“No! She went Kroger? That’s bad.”

“Yeah. We’re in trouble.”

I let my head fall to glare at April and Jane. “Will you two be quiet? I’m enjoying my binge-eating-slash-watching session!” A tear slips out of my eyes and I use the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe it away.
