Page 11 of Making the Cut

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“We’ll get to that,” I lie. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

Viviana pauses and gives me a look I’m not sure how to decipher. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me out, Archie.”

I smile and nod. “It’s no problem. You’re important to me, I want to help.”

Something passes over her eyes and her smile dims slightly. “It’s been so long since we’ve”—she gestures between us—“hung out.”

“Too long,” I agree immediately. “You’re the only person who would listen to myHunger Gamesobsession.”

She laughs lightly and frowns a little in a teasing way. “You were pretty obsessed with it.”

“Hey.” I smile, pretending to be defensive. “You were also pretty obsessed if I recall. Didn’t you have a thing for Gale?”

She groans and laughs. “Oh no, please don’t bring that up. But I will admit, I did love the books.”

We laugh and joke about a few of the other things we used to be obsessed about. I’d spend hours at the Capello household hanging out with her and sometimes, when Enzo wasn’t on one of his many dates, he’d hang with us too.

“I miss this,” I admit to her, trying to find the courage inside of me to tell her the truth.

“Me too,” she admits too with a soft smile and sighs. “Well, I should head home. I have to drive up to Fall Springs tomorrow.”

My brows shoot up. “Fall Springs?”

“Yeah, I’m helping the Trevors with some marketing and branding for their ranch. CT is pretty gung ho on getting it off the ground again.”

Cade Trevors, or CT as we all called him, was a horse trainer that Warren had grown up with. Over the years, he and Graham—who was in the Army with Derek and Garrett—had become good friends to us. “That’s good, extra work for you though, driving all that way.”

She shrugs. “Well, I don’t really have anything else to do.”

“Right.” I clear my throat and we stand, clearing away our trash and heading outside.

Since we walked here, I’m free to walk her home before I trek back to the loft.

“This was fun,” Viviana says.

“Don’t sound so shocked. I can be fun.”

She shakes her head. “No, sorry. That’s not what I meant. I just mean…” She pauses on the sidewalk and I stop to wait for her explanation. “I actually had a minute to relax. I feel that way when I hang out with just the girls, but”—she shrugs—“I don’t know. I can’t always relax around Enzo’s friends.”

My brows pull together. “I’m your friend too.”

“I know, I mean, youweredefinitely. When we were young.”


She cuts me off, giving me an embarrassed look. “Anyway.” She keeps walking, this time at a clipped pace. “I’m still just so grateful that you’re willing to help me.”

“You don’t have to keep thanking me,” I reply, my mood suddenly shifting slightly.

All I want to do is reach out, grab her by the arms and shake her while asking why she doesn’t realize that I would do anything for her.

But I don’t do that. The fear of losing her, of losing our friendship and being parted from the Capello family is too fucking strong. I couldn’t do that to her.

So I keep my mouth shut, I walk her home, and I wonder if I’ll be able to keep this secret for the rest of my life.

Chapter Five

“Dating your best friend’s sister was easy. You already know her favorite foods, plus you know where to block when your best friend inevitably tries to beat the shit out of you.” – Archer
