Page 19 of Making the Cut

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No one ever makes fun of the dog lady.

“I’m so happy for you two!” I tell them and we talk about everything wedding. When they get pulled away, Archer and I make our way to the buffet and load up on food. Both of our plates are overflowing by the time we find a place to sit and eat.

We both knew that there was no better food than the stuff my mom and aunts and cousins provided. It’s why we love Enzo’s cooking so much. He incorporated what he knew from our childhood and put it into modern dishes.

In a word, delicious.

“You doing okay?” Archer’s question surprises me, and I glance up at him, watching him nonchalantly put a bite of food into his mouth.

“I’m fine, why? Are you okay?”

“I’m at a Capello family gathering. Of course I’m okay.” Archer gives me his crooked grin and I smile slightly. I know that these get-togethers were important for him, given that he had no family—blood-related family—left, we were all he had.

Another reason it was good our relationship was platonic.


I didn’t even notice when he came out of his room back at the loft shirtless, I didn’t notice the hard ridges of his muscles as they moved when he’d put on a clean shirt and I definitely didn’t stare when I knew he wasn’t watching or gulp when I noticed he had the infamousvon his lower abdomen.

I didn’t noticeat all.

“Right, so we’re both okay.” I nod, twirling on a mountain of angel hair pasta and shoving the entire thing into my mouth.

He chuckles slightly and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “You’ve got a little sauce.” He gestures to my face and I will it not to heat in embarrassment.

I swallow, but before I can reach for the napkin in my lap, his finger swipes at the corner of my lips, and he pulls it back, placing it in his mouth while holding eye contact.

Holy…is it hot in here, or did Archer just do that?

Did he just seriously wipe sauce off of my mouth and put it into his own?

I was at a loss for words, so, therefore, I blurted the only thing running through my mind. “I don’t know whether I’m turned on or grossed out.”

Archer’s eyes heat, and he smirks. “Nothing to be grossed out about.”

I don’t have words. I don’t have them! I’m at a loss. I’m wordless.

“But seriously.” Somehow, he flips the switch on me and gestures back to me. “Are you okay?”

“Why do you keep asking me that?” Also, where was Enzo? It seems like the minute he figured out who Nora was, he bolted for good.

Not like he drove us or anything…

“Because I saw your expression when you saw Antony and Bianca. You looked… sad.”

I frown and lick my fork. “I’m not sad at all. I’m extremely happy for them.”

“Not sad like that.” He pauses, seeming to gather his words. “You seemed… longing. Like you wish it was you?”

I wipe my mouth with my napkin before he can swipe at my lips again—I can’t handle any more lip swiping—and sigh. “I’m not… I don’t wish it was me.”

“Right,” he replies, unconvinced.

“Just.” I let out another sigh and look at Archer. His eyes hold mine intently and I say, “Do you ever think you won’t ever find your person? Like I see these couples, like Warren and Jane, Chris and April, Antony and Bianca, and they are so right for each other. They get each other. And I just have this feeling like no one will ever be able to be that guy for me. You know?”

Archer sits back in his chair, his gaze sweeping over the backyard but never settling on anything.

“Never mind,” I say quickly, pasting on a fake smile. “It’s stupid.”
