Page 64 of Making the Cut

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So I got yelled at in front of Mason’s crew that was finishing up this week. Devon didn’t believe in being discreet, apparently, and I had to fight to keep my shit in check. I could tell there were some guys that didn’t believe what he did was cool at all. You’ve got an issue with someone, you take them aside and let them know.

Personally, I felt like Devon was shifting blame because he was also under heat from the owner.

I felt a real need to let Henry Blake know what was going on, but I was walking a fine line between rat and good employee.

The only reason I believed I was in the right for asking him to give me a call, was because he specifically hired me so that I could be one of his go-to guys, and I knew he wouldn’t respect me if I just kept letting shit slide.

Devon was not showing up, and when he did, his breath was laced with alcohol. I couldn’t stand for it.

I may be risking losing my job, but I couldn’t care less. I had to do what I felt was right here.

So, when I’m driving home and Henry Blake calls me back, I pull over and take the call.

“Mr. Blake,” I answer, keeping my tone respectful. “Thank you for returning my call.”

“No problem. I’m hoping you’re not giving me bad news?” He leaves it as a kind of question. “Not leaving us already, are you?”

“No, sir.” So long as I didn’t get fired for doing this. “I have some concerns with the foreman on this Golden project and would like to tell you what’s going on.”

What sounds like a creaking chair squeaks in the background and I assume he’s sitting back and waiting for the bad news to hit. “Go on.”

I tell him everything that has been going on, how he’s behind schedule, how some of the crew never bothers to show up or not clean their messes up when they leave and I gather that it’s because they don’t respect Devon at all. I tell him of Charlie and Don’s concerns without naming them and I tell him about the altercation this morning, after Devon bothered to show up. I also explain that the clients showed up to talk to Devon, and he wasn’t there to receive that conversation.

Henry blows out a harsh breath and groans. “I had no idea. Devon told me everything was on schedule.”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but we’re really behind. The electrician showed up to start today and couldn’t get in because the plumbers are still in there. However, the plumbers had to push back a week because we weren’t ready for them when they came two weeks ago.”

“Shit,” Henry spits. I feel his anger through the phone and brace myself for the fallout of this call. “Well, thank you for letting me know. I’ll have to have some talks with him and figure out how to move forward.”

I want to ask if he’s going to fire him, but I don’t feel like it’s my place.

“I’ll let you know how it goes,” Henry says and then hangs up the phone. Well, I guess that’s good.

He didn’t fire me or give me shit for ratting someone out…

I let out a breath and pull my truck back into traffic and head straight to Viv’s place. I was there last night, and it was another great night for us and I loved every second of it. I just want to be with her, all the time.

It’s like she’s this addiction.

I knock on her door as soon as I get there and wait for her to come and get the door. She opens it and gives me a small smile, her shoulders slumped and her hair up in a bun. There are circles under her eyes.

Immediately I feel like something is wrong and I walk into her, despite being dirty, and pull her into my arms, giving her a hug. “What’s wrong?”

Her shoulders move in my arms, a shrug, I think, and I pull back with concern in my expression as I look into her eyes. They’re just… sad.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just feel off today.” She turns and walks away, shuffling to the couch. I follow closely behind after closing the door and take a seat next to her on the couch, pulling her feet into my lap. She’s already in shorts and an oversized tee.

“Did something happen today?”

She shakes her head.

“No job offer?”

She rolls her eyes. “No. Cyrus couldn’t be there today, so we have our presentations on Monday now.”

I grit my teeth at the news. I originally really liked those people but the longer they drag this mess out, the more I dislike them. “Okay, so we have the weekend to relax.”

“I guess so.”
