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I dropped down to the floor and held up the decorations. “I declare you the venom-filled snake thing, and you, spider legs!” I tossed them onto the pile, and a crack of thunder from outside rattled the house.

Kristin crinkled her nose. “Was it supposed to storm?”

“Don’t you know?” I asked with a laugh. “I’m a witch!”

“Okay, but what does the thunder outside have to do with that?”

“I don’t know!” I said as I started to laugh, which made her laugh.

We laughed so hard, I had tears sliding down my face. It took a good ten minutes before I could regain control.

“Okay, back to the spell!”

“Right. Right. Okay…. It says to… Let’s see. Mash it, crunch it, mix it all together. Say his name three times and put him in sunder. I’m not putting my hand in the mustard, so we’ll just do this.”

Picking up the black candle, I tipped it and held it over the pile so it could drip onto it all.

“Lucas Dayton. Lucas Dayton. Lucas Dayton. I put you in sunder! And so it is, the spell is cast. So mote it be.”

I blew out the candle and looked at Kristin who handed me a glass of wine.

“Cheers to getting Lucas to fall for you.”

We clinked glasses, and I downed my drink.

The loud knocking at my front door jerked me up into a sitting position. My head was throbbing, and my stomach instantly rolled.

“Oh, dear God, how much did I drink?”

A quick glance around the room told me I had most likely drunk a lot. Every single light was on, and Frank Sinatra’s “Witchcraft” was playing on my phone and appeared to be on repeat.

Kristin was curled up into a ball on the large bean bag chair, clutching a book in her arms.

Another knock, followed by the doorbell.

Slowly pulling myself up, I stumbled to the door and opened it to find my sister standing there.

“Sarah, why are you here so early?” I asked.

She took one look at me, and her eyes went wide.

“What did you do, Hollie?”

I motioned for her to come in. “I apparently drank too much.”

Sarah whisked past me, leaving me slightly dizzy.

“Did you happen to bring coffee? Did I see coffee in your hand?” I asked as I followed her.

“Oh, no. I knew it! You used magick last night!”

I turned and got a better view of the living room. In the middle of the floor was a circle of white. God, I hoped that wasn’t sugar. In the middle of the circle was a bunch of junk. As I walked closer, I saw a picture of Lucas with what looked to be candle wax dripped on it. My heart dropped to my stomach as it all started to come back to me.

Kristin sat up and yawned, the spell book falling to the floor. “Okay, how did you know she used magick? Is that like a witch thing or a sister thing?”

Sarah ignored Kristin, picked up the book, and opened it to the page Kristin had marked. She gasped and looked at the floor, then at me.

“You cast a spell, Hollie!”
