Page 57 of The Fragile One

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We begin to make our way to the fence, passing the abandoned cars littered around the property. It’s dark and eerie as hell seeing all these shelled out cars. Just as we get to the other side of the fence and I think we’re home free, a loud as fuck alarm begins wailing through the compound.

Suddenly swarms of men come pouring out of all the doors, guns drawn as they start popping off shots at us.

“Move, move, move,” Liam yells. I waste no time hauling ass to the crop of trees in the distance, where Sawyer and Abel are waiting for us in the vehicles.

I take a quick glance behind me to see how close those fuckers are and watch a few of them fall, one right after the other. Abel’s talents are being put to good use tonight.

“You guys better run like the devil is on your ass. We need to get the fuck out of here before they bring out the big guns.”What the fuck does Sawyer think? We’re out for a leisurely evening stroll?

My legs are burning as I run as fast as I can with Isobel in my arms. She’s crying, but she keeps her head buried in my neck.

“Almost there, honey.” As I say the words, I hear a deafening explosion and feel the heat from it scorch my skin through my vest and shirt. The last thing I think as I go flying through the air with Isobel still attached to me is I never told Lindsey I loved her. When I hit the ground, everything goes dark.

I come to in the back of the SUV as we’re speeding down dark, bumpy roads. It’s like I’m in a dream, though. Like I’m not really attached to my body right now. The pain is indescribable, yet it’s almost as though my mind isn’t registering that it’s actually me feeling it. I hear someone groan and see Liam looking into my eyes.

“He’s awake,” he announces to whoever else is in the car with us.

Huh. The groan must have come from me.

“Get us there, Sawyer,” Liam tells the driver. I hope his driving skills are as adept as his hacking skills.

I want to ask if Isobel’s okay, but the words won’t come out. Liam sees that I’m getting agitated as I struggle to speak and tries to calm me down.

“We’re almost to the plane, mate. Hang on.”

And it’s lights out again.

The next time I wake, I’m being carried up the steps of the plane and I hear Abel yell at the pilot, “We need to get the fuck out of here. Now.”

The sun has just peaked over the mountains, and I wonder if this is the last sunrise I’ll see.

I’m taken to the bedroom in the back. Pain is slamming into me with every step we take. When I’m laid on the bed, I hear the engines start and moments later I feel the plane gaining speed for takeoff. There’s still no sign of Isobel as I try to sit up to look for her. The pain is too great, though, and I collapse onto my back. Kingston rushes to grab the paramedic bag and digs through it until his hand comes out with a syringe. He comes over to the side of the bed.

“We’ll get you fixed up in no time, Aiden. You’ll be good as new,” Kingston tries to reassure me.

There’s doubt in his eyes, though. I must be pretty bad off if the worried look on his face is any indication. The needle pricks my skin and within seconds, the pain is subsiding. Seconds after that, my world goes black.

Chapter twenty-one


Holyshit,whoturnedon the sun to a thousand?

Waking up alone and hungover is not my favorite way to start the day. I gingerly turn my head to the side of my bed and see Abigail snoring away next to me. Not alone then. Just not the person I wish I were waking up next to. I think we drank all the wine in the tristate area last night, including what we had delivered. That was a stupid move, but when Aiden walked out the door, I was on a mission. Apparently, it involved destroying my liver.Ugh.

The apartment is silent and when I check the clock on my bedside table, I see it’s just after 9:00 a.m. Great. I don’t remember what time we went to bed last night, but I feel like nine is way too early to be conscious. Aiden would usually be up long before now. Since I don’t hear anyone moving around the apartment and the smell of coffee isn’t beckoning me from my bed, I assume he didn’t come home last night.

The loud groan that escapes me as I sit up wakes Sleeping Beauty next to me.

“Where in the fresh hell is that light coming from?” Abigail rasps.

“The sun.” My voice is as dry as my throat when I answer.

“Turn it off.” She grabs a pillow and throws it over her head as she moans into the mattress.

Since I’m awake, I figure I should get out of bed to make coffee. It’s slow going, but once I actually make it to the kitchen and get everything ready, I realize I haven’t seen my phone since last night. Maybe there’s something from Aiden.

The reaction he had to me drinking shocked me. I’ve never thought to myself that I have a drinking problem, but at the same time I can see where Aiden is coming from, having a sister who turned to anything to take her out of her head when she was younger. Considering the outcome of that, I’m a bit more understanding today than I was last night. Abigail not so much, but I didn’t want to tell her about Aiden’s sister. It’s not my place to share his scars.
