Page 42 of The Other One

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Abigail smirks at me. “Just goes to show, Prince, you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

No, you certainly can’t.

She gets out of the car and shuts the door before I have a chance to come around and help her out like the gentleman I’m trying to become.

As I make my way over to the front steps, Abigail and Julia are paying me no mind as they embrace like they haven’t seen each other in ages, instead of just a couple days ago.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Julia exclaims as she rocks a laughing Abigail side to side.

“I know, it’s been too long since I’ve been out here.” Abigail unlatches herself from Julia’s embrace and has a look around the sprawling property. “But it still feels like I never left.” She smiles at Julia, then at me. The happiness she feels in one of her favorite places is written all over her face, from her wide smile to her bright eyes. It’s a good look on her.

Julia turns to me and reaches out her hand. “Jackson, glad you could get this one out of bed this morning to come for a visit.”

I chuckle as I grasp her palm. “Has she been like that in the morning her whole life?” I ask.

Julia laughs with me at Abigail’s expense. “Always.”

“I don’t appreciate you two ganging up on me,” Abigail says, pretending to be annoyed.

“Aww, come on now, Red, we’re just having some fun.” I wink at Abigail, and she rolls her eyes playfully.

Julia looks at me with wide eyes.

“You have nicknames for each other?” she says with a smile.

“Several actually. I like to call him Prince,” Abigail responds.

“I’m her Prince Charming.” I touch my chest and flutter my eyelashes as the girls chuckle.

Abigail turns to Julia. “Try Prince of Darkness,” she says dryly.

Julia shakes her head at our antics and turns to walk up the porch. “How about some tea and then a ride? Jackson, how are you with horses?” Julia asks.

“I know my way around them. It’s been a while since I’ve been on one though.”

Abigail turns to me, tilting her head to the side with her brows scrunched down. “I didn’t know you rode.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Red.” I smile at her as I follow her up the stairs into the house, my hand unconsciously moving to the small of her back as though it’s the most natural thing in the world.

The house is beautiful. My mom would have a field day in here with all the details and what I’m sure are antiques decorating the space. I wouldn’t know for sure, but they look old and expensive, which is right up my mom’s alley. It was a bit of a dick move to assume Julia came from a more humble background. Looking over at Abigail makes me realize how wrong someone could be about a person. I assumed she was a ballbusting harpy, and she assumed I was just an image-obsessed playboy. We’re learning a lot of new things about each other on this trip.

We make our way into the bright yellow kitchen and spot an older woman at the stove taking out what looks like some sort of casserole from the oven, setting it next to a pie cooling on the counter. The cinnamon and nutmeg I smell from whatever pie she baked, coupled with the savory scent of the casserole, is making my stomach growl even though we just had breakfast an hour ago. When she spots Abigail, her face lights up like everyone else’s has when they see her.

“Well, well. When Julia told me you were in town, I told her I wouldn’t believe it until I saw you with my own eyes. I guess she wasn’t pulling my leg.” The woman opens her arms and Abigail walks into her embrace.

“Bernie. It’s so good to see you. And still making your famous peach pie, I see.”

“Well now, of course I am. Can’t go letting those Georgia ladies think they corner the market on pies, now can I?”

“No, ma’am. You cannot,” Abigail replies with a wide smile. When they detach from each other, the older woman looks over to me with a skeptical gaze as though she’s sizing me up to make sure I’m worthy of the woman standing next to her. I’m not. But fuck if I’m not trying to change that.

“Bernie, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Bernie, the Beauchamp’s housekeeper. She’s been running around since I can remember trying to make sure everyone is fed and clean.” Abigail, Julia, and Bernie laugh at the introduction.

“It was a lost cause most days. The clean part, never the feeding part.” The women laugh again as I extend my hand to Bernie.

“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Bernie.”

She widens her eyes and looks at Abigail. “Oh girl, you have a charming fella here.” She looks back at me. “The pleasure is all mine, Jackson.”
