Page 50 of The Other One

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“Just random thoughts,” I tell her. “So do we have a code word or a supersecret signal for when either of us has had enough, and it’s time to escape?”

Abigail laughs. “No, but we probably should. How about I bite my lip and blink three times?”

“Do you want me to walk out of here with a hard-on?”

“What? Why on earth would that make you hard?”

“Because all I’ll be thinking is how badly I want those lips somewhere else. Namely around my dick.”

Abigail laughs again, and the sound makes everyone else disappear. I never imagined a woman’s laughter would have such a primal effect on me. Any other woman, and I doubt it would, but this is Abigail. Her humor is hard won, and I’ve worked my ass off for it.

“I swear the wind blowing would give you a hard-on.” She shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes.

“Depends.” I pretend to consider her statement. “Would this wind blow your skirt up? Because that would definitely do it.” I nod seriously, caressing her knee under the table and lean in to give her a light kiss on the mouth. Her hum of satisfaction at the contact makes me wish we were back in our hotel room. Or a dark corner somewhere secluded. I’m not picky.

“Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know after the golf outing, you weren’t thrilled to be around Davis again.” Abigail squeezes my hand in appreciation for my company. Like she needs to thank me for being there with her. I would follow her anywhere if it meant spending any amount of time in her presence, especially when I get to see this softer side of her. Her feisty side gets me hot as hell for her, but her soft side warms my heart in a way I wasn’t prepared for.

Unfortunately, the reminder of what a colossal asshole Abigail’s ex is instantly irritates me. Especially if he’s a drunk baboon like he was during golf. I do a quick scan of the room and realize he hasn’t gotten here yet.

“Maybe he won’t show. From what it sounds like, he keeps himself pretty busy.” I remember him trying to tout his exploits to anyone who would listen when we were at the country club.

“Yeah, trying to support strippers by buying lap dances with your daddy’s money is a real time suck,” she deadpans.

Laughter bursts from my lips. “That’s about the impression I got from him.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “Ugh. That man was such a waste of my time. I wish I would have seen through the bullshit a lot sooner.”

I take her hand and bring it to my lips. “Boy. Not man. Men don’t do that to women.” I look her in the eye and hope she understands I know the difference and I have no problem being the right man for her.

“It wasn’t too long ago I looked at you like that.” She squeezes the hand I’m still holding hers with. “Glad you proved me wrong.”

When she leans in for a kiss, it’s all I can do not to drag her out of here and show her how happy hearing those words just made me. That’s all I’ve wanted her to realize.

When we pull apart, there’s a commotion at the door. Oh great, looks like the clowns have arrived.

Abigail leans back and rolls her eyes at the sight. “Oh yay,” she says flatly. “Davis and his adoring minions are here.”

I look over, and sure enough, a group of guys has swarmed around him, giving excited backslaps.

Cesily comes over to our table and smiles affectionately at the crowd around Davis. “It’s so nice that Davis was able to make it. Dawson loves having his older brother around. Just like old times,” she tells us.

Abigail shoots me an annoyed look. “Cesily, I don’t think I’ve introduced you to Jackson. My boyfriend.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations,” I say with a pleasant smile.

The look Cesily gives me tells me she isn’t impressed with my presence here.

“Thank you.” Her smile is fake as hell. “If y’all will excuse me.” She doesn’t go into a further explanation, just walks away as though she has better people to talk to.

“She’s a delight,” I whisper to Abigail.

“Isn’t she though?”

Abigail gives me the exact same smile I just saw on her sister and a laugh bursts from me.

“Wow. Do they teach you that smile at finishing school or wherever the hell debutantes go to learn how to be high society ladies?”

She throws her head back and laughs. “No. That smile we learned and perfected with our mother’s tutelage.”
