Page 64 of The Other One

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I turn my phone on so I can text Julia and let her know I made it home safe and sound. As soon as I do, I see the five voice mails and seven texts from Jackson. Of course there are. It must suck for him to know he lost his Philly booty call, seeing as that’s all I must be to him if he could so easily sleep with someone else.

There are also two texts from Kasey and one from Lindsey. Kasey let me know Jackson called her looking for me, and she wants to make sure I’m okay after my abrupt return to Philly.

I’m not, but I will be.

First things first, I decide to call Julia.

She picks up right away. “Has that piece-of-shit Yankee tried calling, or is he too busy playing hide the sausage still with that bitch Everly?”

Well, that’s quite the greeting.

“He has. And he’s texted. I’m not inclined to give him the time of day, though.” I let out a long sigh. “I just wanted to let you know I’m home and to thank you again for helping me escape last night.” I choke back my tears, refusing to let another one fall because of that man.

“That’s what best friends are for. You know the ranch is always your safe place, honey.” Julia’s tone has changed from vengeful to sweet and supportive, like she knows exactly what I need to hear. “Just a heads-up, my brother stayed with him last night because he was beyond fucked up when they found him. I didn’t get a chance to really talk to him, but I thought you should know.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, again reliving the memory of finding him in that damn closet.

“Okay. Thanks for letting me know. At least I know the bastard didn’t choke on his vomit or something. I like his brother, and it would be a shame if he had to mourn the Son of Satan.”

Julia chuckles at my nickname for Jackson. “I won’t keep you since I know you didn’t get much sleep.” Julia and I stayed up late sharing a bottle of wine and cursing the male population in general. “But just know I love you to pieces and can’t wait for you to come back and visit. Let’s not let it be years between visits this time, yeah?”

A pang of guilt hits me even though I know she doesn’t mean anything malicious by her comment. I let way too much time pass between visits after Davis and I broke up because I didn’t want to face my family or possibly run into him. I was a shitty friend to someone who always had my back.

“I’m already planning my next trip. Although I’ll probably wait ’tilaftersummer. I’m good with staying away from those Southern summers.”

Julia laughs. “Girl, I don’t blame you. Hopefully, all this Abernathy business is handled by then, too.” Ah yes, Grayson Abernathy. Another reason for our wine-infused “Men Are Scumbags And Only Good For Orgasms” party last night. Julia let a little slip about her and Grayson last night, hence why she has decided he’s only good for that one thing, no matter how long ago it was.

“Me too, babe,” I tell her. “Okay, I’m beat. I’m going to take a shower and a nap. Not necessarily in that order.”

Julia groans. “That sounds amazing. Alright, we’ll talk soon.”

We hang up, and I toss my phone on the couch next to me where I collapsed when I called Julia. I’m exhausted and want nothing more than to crawl in bed and sleep for the next three days, but I know Kasey is worried, so I decide to call her and put her mind at ease.

“Hey Abigail,” she answers the phone after the first ring.

“Were you sitting on your phone?” I ask. She answered it damn quick.

“Maybe,” she says with a giggle. “I don’t know what happened between you and Jackson, but I can be there within the hour with Lindsey and copious amounts of wine.”

That’s a good friend right there.

“Give me two?” I ask.

“You got it. See you soon.”

She disconnects the call. Why I was ever worried that Kasey would take Jackson’s side over mine is a mystery to me at this moment. Donovan may be Jackson’s brother, but I should have known she would be here with wine and a shoulder to cry on at the drop of a hat, no questions asked. That’s what true sisters do.

When I get out of the shower, I have two more missed calls from Jackson,Yeah, not happening, pal,and a call from Gus, my editor. I’m not supposed to be back until tomorrow, but Gus isn’t one to waste time remembering the little details about his reporters’ lives.

Deciding it’s time to suck it up and get back to work, I call him back.

“Hey Gus,” I say when he answers his line.

“Abigail. Are you back from your sister’s wedding?”

I sigh into the phone. “I am. What’s up?”

“I need someone to cover the charity event the day after tomorrow. I had Annie ready to do it, but her eighty-seven-year-old grandma broke her hip so she’s going to upstate New York to take care of her.”
