Page 74 of The Other One

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“Well, I’m turning my phone off.” I grab it from my pocket and power it down. “There. At least it’ll make it harder for them to track me down if they can’t get a hold of me.” I toss the phone on the coffee table and pour our wine. “I didn’t tell Cesily where I was staying, so even if they wanted to find me, they would have to brave your wrath if they decided to come here.”

Julia barks out a laugh. “Let them try.”

I give Julia a rueful smile and raise my glass for a toast. “To wine, brownies, and friends who aren’t afraid of waterboarding trespassers. What more could I ask for?”

Damn, I’m a lucky girl.

Chapter 26


Mymindisracingwith worst-case scenarios as I dial Abigail’s number for what seems like the hundredth time. Waking up from a few hours of sleep, I’m so ready to finally put this whole mess behind us and do whatever’s needed to get Abigail to hear me out and hopefully realize I’m serious about being with her. That I love her. The more I say it, the more desperate I am to hear her voice and tell her how I feel. I want the chance to prove to her on a daily basis that I’m not going anywhere, and I sure as hell would never treat her like that dipshit Davis did. I know what I have, and I plan on showing her every day for the rest of our lives how fucking amazing she is. If only she would answer her phone, but it keeps going straight to voice mail.

The idea that Davis has somehow gotten to her keeps running through my mind. Though most people wouldn’t think twice about a douchebag party boy, I’m not most people. I’ve experienced the darker side of someone’s obsession. And Davis has already proven the scary as fuck lengths he’s willing to go to get Abigail back.

Sitting on my couch, I keep staring at my test results that prove I’d been roofied. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around that one. And the fact he admitted it so casually. What a piece of shit. Thank God nothing else happened, and thank God he told me the truth about me not sleeping with the bridesmaid. At least I have that in my favor when I finally talk to Abigail.

Wiping a hand over my face, I lean back into the couch and let out a frustrated breath. I need answers. I know who I can call for them, but she’s made it clear in no uncertain terms whose side she’s on.

Straightening my spine, I stretch my neck, tilting it side to side like a boxer would entering a match. If I have to fight for Abigail, then that’s what I’m going to do. Nothing is stopping me from getting my girl.

I dial Kasey’s number with solid determination to find out where Abigail is.

“Hi, Jackson,” she answers after the second ring.

“Hey, Kasey. I’ve been trying to get a hold of Abigail, and she isn’t picking up. Do you know where she is?”

“I do.” After waiting for her to elaborate, I’m met with more silence.

“Are you going to tell me?” I ask, drawing out the words.


Fuck.Not the answer I was hoping for.

“Okay… listen, I just want to make sure she’s safe. Davis doesn’t strike me as someone in their right mind. Will you at least tell me that?” I plead. I’m disappointed at her response, but I need to make sure she’s been in contact with someone, even if it isn’t me.

“She’s fine. As far as I know, Davis hasn’t tried contacting her again. Listen, she just needs some time to figure things out. Honestly, I think it would do you both some good to reflect on things. She took off for a couple days, but she checked in with me this morning. I promise, I would tell you if she wasn’t okay.”

“No offense, but I don’t need to think about anything. I’m in love with her.” There is no doubt in my mind about what I want and what I’m willing to do to get it.

Kasey takes a sharp breath in. “Jackson, you have no idea how much I love hearing you say that.” She pauses, and I think I have her for a moment. “But you have to understand, I’m not going to break her confidence. She’s my best friend, and if she tells me she needs time away from everything, then I’m going to respect that. If I hear from her, I’ll tell her you’re trying to reach her. That’s the best I can do.”


“I appreciate you being a good friend to her. She needs people she can trust. Just please don’t tell her how I feel. I need to have that conversation with her myself.”

“That’s fair. Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I hang up the phone feeling slightly better because I know she’s safe. But goddammit, I can’t sit around and do nothing.

Where would she have gone? I’ve never heard her talk about any spas or resorts that she likes or family or close friends outside of Kasey and Lindsey, except… it could be a huge long shot, but my gut is telling me where she went. And if she hates me as much as she did last time we were in Charleston together, there’s a very good chance a tall blonde holding a double-barrel to my tires is in my future.

Nerves knot my stomach as I turn onto the driveway leading to the Beauchamp ranch. The rain is pummeling my windshield, so visibility is shit, but thankfully I remember exactly where the turnoff is. I don’t know if Abigail is here or not, but it’s a starting point. Memories assail me from the last time I was here and the ride Abigail and I went on. A small smile plays on my lips. That was one of the best afternoons of my life. It’s hard to believe that was just a week ago. Everything has changed in that time, and not for the better.

Parking the car, I take a deep breath, fortifying myself for the unfriendly welcome I’m sure to receive.

The front door opens, and Julia steps onto the front porch sans shotgun. Thank God for small mercies.
