Page 78 of The Other One

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“Honey, seeing you with Jackson fills me with so much happiness for you I could just burst. That other boy and that family of yours tried for years to dim your light. Jackson, on the other hand, he lights the match for your fire. Don’t let that one go, sweetheart.”

She would know. Duke has never once tried to smother her flame, and neither will Jackson. Getting her stamp of approval meant more to me than I could say, so I gave her a wide, watery smile and one of those long, tight hugs she’s famous for.

Jackson is at the club tonight, shaking hands and making sure all his members are happy and satisfied. Not too hard when it comes to a sex club, but he wants to make sure the place is run how he wants and takes an active role in making sure it is. Our schedules keep us busy with him at the club and me covering various events and charity galas. Thankfully no crazy exes have shown up to crash any, so I decide to meet him at the club for a drink before he calls it a night. Sans pineapple earrings of course.

Walking into the club sends a thrill up my spine every time. The work Jackson and his partners have put into this place to make it sensual and alluring instead of gaudy and generic really shows in all the detail and overall feel of the space. I never thought I would have a boyfriend that owns a sex club, or that I would be proud of him for it, but here we are. The playboy I thought he was has been replaced by the responsible businessman that he is. Who knew?

Jackson is chatting with a man in a very expensive gray suit beside the bar. It would look like any regular conversation except for the topless woman at the man’s feet with her eyes closed and a look of rapture relaxing her features while he pets her hair.

Jackson shakes the man’s hand, then turns to go back to his office. Until he spots me sipping a glass of red wine at the bar several seats down. A slow smile stretches across his lips as he saunters toward me.

“Red, you look absolutely delicious tonight,” he says as his gaze peruses my strappy deep-green dress. He takes in the back of my dress, or rather the lack of one, and trails his finger down my exposed spine. Leaning in, he whispers, “Good enough to take a bite of,” before gently biting my ear, eliciting a low groan from me.

“I have some paperwork to finish in my office, but I’m hard pressed to leave a beautiful woman drinking alone.”

“I’ll come with you,” I tell him with a coy smile on my face.

“Yes, you will.”

Well, okay then.

I follow Jackson into his office and walk behind his desk, taking a seat in his leather club chair before propping my heeled feet on the desk. The leather is cool on my back, but the look Jackson gives me when he locks the door is making my body temperature rapidly rise.

He prowls toward me and sits on the edge of his desk before running his hands up my calf to my thigh and back down again. The hunger in his gaze as I shiver from his touch makes my nipples pucker under the silky material of my dress.

“This was quite the surprise tonight,” Jackson says as he uncrosses my ankles and moves between my legs, spreading me open, causing my dress to move up my thighs, giving him an indecent view of my wet pussy.

“And no panties. You know what that does to me, She-Devil.”

“That was the plan, Prince.” I glance at my clutch sitting on the edge of his desk. “Check my bag.”

Jackson tilts his head curiously and opens the clutch, pulling out a little bullet vibrator. I wasn’t kidding when I said I made several online purchases after finding out how much he likes to play with toys.

“Did you come here with a plan, Red?”

“Maybe,” I reply softly.

“This isn’t the time to be shy. Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to be a good assistant and make me come.” Since that night in the car at the lake, a little spicy role play has become one of our favorite games.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replies, dropping to his knees in front of me.

Jackson takes one long lick through my folds and briefly sucks my clit into his mouth.

The deep moan of satisfaction that escapes him sends sparks flying throughout my body.

“Fuck, Ms. Barnes. You taste divine.”

I hear the bullet turn on, and he presses it to my pussy, circling it around my clit but never making direct contact.

“Fuck, Jackson, I said to make me come, not tease me to death.”

“Now what would be the fun in that?” He chuckles darkly and places a hot open-mouthed kiss on the heated flesh of my inner thigh.

This man enjoys the buildup just as much as the finale. Usually I love it, but we haven’t had as much time to spend together as either of us would like, and I’m feeling needy as hell tonight.

“Patience, Ms. Barnes, I’m shooting for a raise here.”
