Page 14 of His Temptation

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It’s not hard to find my parents seated at a table towards the back of the restaurant. I raise my arm and wave when they spot me weaving through the maze of tables. The closer I get to the table, I realize someone is already sitting with them. Did Kyle get here before I did?

I walk straight up to Mom and hug her. “Hey Momma,” I say as she squeezes me. “You guys look good!” They do. My mom has always wanted to go on a cruise and the sun agrees with them. Dad’s bald head is more tan than normal and mom is glowing.

Dad reaches around mom and offers me a quick hug. “How ya doing kiddo?” My parents are the best. I chastise myself for not seeing them before now, but work has been hectic, my hours long.

I am the assistant for Vance Lappin, one of the owners and the most sought-after Merger and Acquisitions Lawyers in the state. Vance has been working late to meet the strict deadline the client has, so that means that I work late.

As I pull out of Dad’s hug, I glance at the table to see who has joined them. A tall, familiar man stands there, getting out of his chair to hug me. Gabe.

I squeal as I throw myself into the waiting arms of my best friend. Gabe has been my best friend since middle school. He might have started out as Tanner’s friend first, but he’s mine now.

Gabe’s chest rumbles with laughter as he lifts me off the ground, rocking me gently. “Hey Sunny. Long time, no see.”

“Ugh I know,” I groan. Gabe sets me down and pulls a chair out for me.“Work has been crazy.” I turn to look at my best friend, enjoying being around him. “Not that I’m not happy you’re here, but why are you here?” I tease.

Gabe chuckles, a smile crossing his face, as he reaches for his water. “Your parents ran into me at the hardware store before leaving town. I have the night off and they practically dragged me here with them.” He leans in and whispers, “they wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

My mom scoffs and throws her hands out, “Oh stop it,” she chides. “We did no such thing. We just walked you to our car and made sure you got in.”

“Yep, that’s how it happened all right.” Dad teases. “Cindy practically kidnapped him, the poor man had no choice.”

Mom smacks dad on the shoulder, a look of shock across her face. “John! You promised.”

My parents have been married for almost thirty years. I’ve always admired my parents' relationship. They’ve had hard times, sure, but they always manage to smile, laugh, and tease one another. It’s easy to see that they love each other, but more importantly, they like being in each other’s company.

I glance between the two of them as we all catch up. I smile at the twinkle in Dad’s eyes when he looks at mom, the love he has for her shining through.

It doesn’t take long before Tanner and Kate arrive, sporting the same warm glow as my parents. I make a mental note to get a spray tan done, this winter weather making me shades lighter than their warm complexions.

Tanner and Kate got engaged on their Christmas cruise, and Kate holds out her hand to show me the gorgeous oval diamond ring, surrounded by a glimmering halo on a platinum band. I do the obligatory “oohs” and “awws” as the light catches on the diamond, a cascade of light refracting off of the large center gem.

I try not to be jealous of her. Kate and Tanner have been together for years and it’s clear they deeply love one another. I just hope that Kyle and I can get to that point.

We are soon joined by Everly and her new beau, Holden. She practically radiates happiness as he guides her through the tables, his hand caressing her hip. They’ve been together since his dramatic appearance on New Year’s Eve and I am so happy for her. He traveled back to Chicago just to be here for dinner and to meet our parents.

Introductions are made around the table and we all settle in as the conversations pick up. Dad, of course, orders deep-dish pizzas for the table. Just like the guys, I order a beer, while my mom and sister sip their water. Neither one of them has a taste for beer, but who can deny the pizza and beer combo?

Our table is full of laughter, probably annoying other patrons, but we don’t care. Our family is big and loud and that’s how we like it.

I enjoy the night so much, I almost don’t notice that Kyle never shows up. Almost.

