Page 59 of Harmony

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“Okay,” I reluctantly agree, watching as she walks over to Hattie and Posey, who are waiting outside the loft’s building for her. “Lore?” She turns around and waits for me to say what I want to say, not that I’m entirely sure what that is, exactly, so instead, I just smile. “I need to make a phone call, be up in a sec.”

She smiles back and nods before continuing to walk to her friends. Deciding I might as well do exactly what I told her I would, I pull out my phone and dial.

“Mikey!” My mom’s cheerful voice greets me. “Are you back from LA?”

“Not yet.” I take a deep breath, wondering what the best way to deliver the news is. “So, I have good and bad news.”

“Okay,” Mom says tentatively. “Bad first, I guess.”

“It’s the same news. It’s just both good and bad, though mostly good.” I frown. “Actually, it’s all good, just surprising and possibly a bit unnerving, but it’s also kind of amazing.”

“You got a girl pregnant, didn’t you?” she sighs. “Tell me it isn’t Lauren.”

“Uh… I could, but I’d be lying.”

“So, your bad news is that your sister is going to murder you,” she states in a dry voice, and I cringe.

“I was kind of, sort of hopingyouwould tell her.” That makes Mom burst out into sardonic laughter.

“No, not a chance.”

“Are you scared of your own daughter?”

She doesn’t miss a beat. “No, but what kind of life lesson would I be teaching you if I clean up after your mess?” That hint of bratty mischief in her voice is all too familiar. And they say I take after my dad…

“I’m thirty-one. I think I’m beyond life lessons, Mom.”Weak argument, but worth a shot.

“Not buying it, baby.”Damn it. “Are you really happy?”

“I am,” I hurry to reassure her. “You don’t know Lauren yet, but she’s amazing, Mom. Just look at everything she’s done for Tris, and she doesn’t take any of my shit, but she can also dish out her fair share of shade.” I smile, a real smile this time. “I’ve never met anyone like her before.”

“Wow.” My mother sounds almost amused at my monologue. “I meant about the baby, but nice pitch, I’m sold.”

I take a few seconds to wrap my head around what she means, recalling the bomb Davey dropped on me that night at the hospital, about my feelings for Lauren. But I’m a bit overwhelmed at the moment to deal with it all, so I change the subject.

“I’ll be back in Boston once I get stuff straightened out with Lauren, and she’ll join once her notice period at work is over.”

“Okay. Do you need me to do anything on the home front?” she asks, and I ponder.

“I’ll tell Trista, but could you tell everyone else, get the grounds ready so Lauren will have a soft landing and warm welcome?”

“She would either way, Mikey, but sure,” Mom answers. “I’ll make sure everyone knows she’s family.”

“Thank you.” I let out a relieved sigh. “Love you.”

“Love you too, baby, even though you’re an idiot who knocked a girl up.” I guffaw, and she laughs before hanging up.

“Well, that was easy,” I mutter to myself, not looking forward to the hard part. My sister.

I wander into the loft, still pondering life and love and a ton of deep shit, so I don’t have to think about the tough stuff, likemylife,myinability to fall in love.

“Uh, Mikey?” Lauren’s voice pulls me out of my reflective state just as my foot lands on the first step up to the gallery bedroom. “Where are you going?”

“Right.” My brow creases. “I don’t live here anymore.”

“It’s still your place,” Lauren starts. “If you want me to—”

“No,” I cut her off. “Come on, Lore. I refused to let you leave when I barely knew you,” I remind her. “Now? After everything we’ve been throughandwhen you’re carrying my baby? You really think I’d kick you out?”
