Page 85 of Harmony

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“I barely touched his knee, Phoebs, and he looked at me like he could barely stop himself from fucking me right there on the bar.”

“So, make sure he’ll never be able to see you as merely friendship material,” Phoebe says like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. It is for her, she oozes sex appeal. Me? Not so much.

“How?” I ask, even though I’m not sure I’m going to like the answer.

“Oh, you’re going to love this!”Oh, I am so going to hate this. “But you have to promise me you’ll go through with the plan!” She points a finger at me, and even from 226 miles away that look on her face scares the crap out of me.

“Okay, I promise!” I raise my hands in defeat and chug down what’s left of my wine, pouring myself another hefty portion. “So, what’s the plan?”

Phoebe has a bit of a dangerous gleam in her eye, and she’s rubbing her hands together. I have to stop myself from laughing at how much she looks like a cartoon villain.

You have nothing to lose,I remind myself as I listen to her lay out her grand scheme.

* * *
