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I rested my fur-covered forehead against the cool of his truck, fighting to hold myself together while my breath lodged itself in the back of my throat.

Jesse caught up to me. “Hey, you okay?”

I kept my back to himand pulled myself further into my jacket. “I’m fine.”

His hand settled between my shoulder blades. “I honestly didn’t expect that kindof a reaction from you.”

Firm hands on my shoulders,he turned me around, and I buried my face into him.

“They are so…” The words refused to leave my lips.

“Yes, that’s true, but the best part is, they are grateful for everything they have, and take nothing for granted.” In a soothing motion, he rubbed my back, all the while whispering in my ear. “There’s more to life than materialistic things. We can be grateful for the sun and fresh air, and for friends and love. For the song she was singing.”

“But you also need the other things.”

“Sure, her living conditions aren’t ideal, but she’s out of the weather. The food bins will make sure she has the necessities. But I’m absolutely positive of one thing.”

I lookedat Jesse through my blurred vision. “What’s that?”

“Ibet she loves her baby more than anything on Earth and goes out of her way to make sure he’s taken care of.”

I had to agree. The baby didn’t appear to be suffering. He was bright and happy, full of life.

Jesse brushed his lips across my forehead, and I wished he had tried about four inches lower, even if this wasn’t the right moment. “Do you want to come with me for the other deliveries?”

“Are you kidding?” I wiped away my tearsand smiled at the incredible man standing before me. “I’m knocking first.”

Chapter Eleven

The last delivery completed, we sat in his truck, the emotional exhaustion tugged on myheartstrings.

“Do you feel up for one more activity?”

Deep down, I was tuckered out and debated saying no, but it was Jesse. So far everything he suggested had been fun, if not a bit life changing.

“What did you have in mind?”

“It’s not a long activity,but it comes with food, drinks, and a healthy dose of Christmas cheer.”

“Hmm.” My stomach rumbled at the thought of a bite to eat, and my mouth was a little dry too. “Sure. Should I keep the Santa hat on?”

“Yeah.” A large grinparked on his face, refusing to move. “You look cute in it.”

“Thanks.” My cheeks heated and my body thrummed from the compliment. “And thanks… For today.”

“Thanks fortagging along. It was nice having someone join me for this.”

I sat up straighter. “Yourex-wife never came with you?”

“Not once.” The truck rumbled to life, and he put it into gear.

“Well, she truly missed out. I want to do this next year.”

Although itwasn’t me doing the giving as all the toys had been donated, it warmed my heart to be a part of this experience. To see the smiles on stranger’s faces and the light in their eyes. If only for a little bit, these deliveries eased a bit of burden and helped the families believe in the magic of Christmas.

If Mom were around and knew about this, I could imagine her going from place to place, likely toting a wrapped package of homemade goodies to add to each delivery and inviting them over for dinner. Yeah, Mom would’ve loved this.

“Come back next year and it’s a date.”
