Page 105 of Cosmic God

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“We don’t make any noise. We’re respectful of us all being so close together,” he replied, trying to stifle a laugh.

“It’s a penthouse. It’s not exactly a small living space.”

“Exactly, so be quieter. Or at least get Emmy to put a pillow over your face when you come.” I picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him. He put down the controller and turned off the TV. “Seriously, man, I’m happy for you guys, but what about the break-in at her apartment. Any ideas how your jizz ended up all over her sheets?”

I pulled a carton of apple juice out and took a glass from the cupboard. “Not a clue, and it’s weird as fuck. Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve got a psycho fan stalking me.”

“I guess it’s a possibility, but how did they spike your drink or get your man juices from you? I mean, you have to admit, Tanner, that’s pretty freaky shit. You need to be really careful. In fact, we all should. Especially if this person is coming for Emmy. We can’t let anything else bad happen to her when she’s with us.”

“I know, bro, I’m on it. I promise.” Abandoning the glass, I drank straight from the carton, making Gray pull a disgusted face at me. “Now, what were you playing, and how long until I kick your ass at it?”

I slumped down next to my brother as he handed me a spare gaming controller and turned the TV back on. We spent the next few hours shooting things and swearing at each other like we did when we were kids.

Emmy broke my concentration from the game I was winning when she walked out of my suite, looking like a woman who’d been up all night, being fucked in every way possible. Her hair tousled, skin glowing, lips swollen, and eyes sparkling. Wearing my hoodie, some leggings, and those sexy as hell glasses. She stretched and yawned, and Gray laughed. “Good night, Emmy? You look a little… disheveled.”

“Don’t listen, angel. You look beautiful as ever.” I reached out my hand for her, but she stared around like she’d lost something.

“Food. I need food and coffee before I waste away. Pancakes, bacon, the works. I’m so hungry my body is trying to eat itself.”

I made a call to room service while Gray poured her a coffee, laughing about all the calories she must have burned off with me last night. I watched as she took a mouthful of her coffee before placing the cup on the side and pulling Gray in for a hug.

“I missed you, Gray. Even if you are super annoying in the morning with your cheeriness.”

“It’s nearly lunchtime, Em, and I’m fed and caffeinated, plus I have a hot date this afternoon, so what is there not to be cheery about?”

She kissed him on the nose. “And I want to hear all about how it’s going with them both later.”

Gray winked before declaring he was off to get ready and Emmy and I dug into the mountain of food that was brought up.

“This is nice. Just the two of us. Kind of feels like we’re a normal couple,” she sighed out contentedly in between mouthfuls.

I couldn’t help but grin like a lovesick idiot at her calling us a couple. “We are a normal couple, angel.”

“You got me a cock piercing as a present. You can’t step outside without security, and you’re a world-famous rock star. It’s anything but normal.”

“Regrets, angel?” I looked at her, not even trying to hide the concern from my face. I knew she’d promised me she was all in, but it was hard to believe that she was really back here, choosing me.

“No, I’m just trying to get my head around it. When I met you I was here for work and there was a time limit on it. Now there is just me, being here. I’m not good at going with the flow. I like a plan.”

“Okay, Emmy, what’s your plan? What do you want from your life?”

She turned her head to stare out of the window for a moment before she turned back to look at me. “A home. A house that’s all mine that no one can take from me. Time to write. I love what I do. I want stability and security, but I also want to see the world. I guess I want it all.”

I wrapped my fingers through hers, pulling her from her chair onto my lap. Running my scruff-covered cheek against her neck, I watched as goosebumps peppered her skin from my touch. “Do you see me in any of those plans, Em?” I growled out.

She turned, straddling my lap, taking my face in her hands. “Honestly, I see you in all of them. Can we really make this work, Tanner? You’re you, and I’m just me.”

“You are everything, Em. If I can’t do this life with you, I don’t want to do it at all. I would give up the Gods to be with you.”

A wide smile spread across her face. “Those rock star lips are going to get you into trouble, Tan. You’re too smooth for your own good.” She bit down on my bottom lip and tugged as I groaned into her mouth. “Now, take me to bed and show me what other things you can do with that mouth.”

“Tanner.” The elevator doors pinged open and Thomas appeared in the penthouse.

I raised my eyes at the sound of my name, standing from where I’d been sitting writing a melody for one of Frankie’s songs.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. You must see it from my point of view. I’m just trying to protect Emmy. She’s become like family to Lissa and me.” Thomas spoke, holding out his hand as an apology.

I shook it, nodding. “I do, but you have to understand I would rather die than hurt her again.
