Page 110 of Twisted God

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I couldn't hide the excitement from my voice. “I’m ready, husband. Let’s hope we get more than one night to celebrate this time.”

“We have a whole lifetime. I promise. Maybe we could try to make baby number four tonight though and make it a wedding night traddition.” When we'd worked out when Ivy got pregnant with Star we'd realized it was probably that night in Vegas when we'd promised ourselves to each other, and despite what happened afterward, it felt like a sign that we were always meant to be.

"I'm up for that, although not sure how Ivy will feel about having another." I laughed out.

"We could probably persuade her," he said with a wink.

Ethan and I stood together in a field, under an arch of trees, covered in cherry blossom, watching as Ivy walked towards us. Her silver dress dancing in the sunlight, her smile lighting up the world.

“Husbands, are you really ready for a lifetime together?” she asked quietly when she reached us.

“We were already planning a lifetime with you, firefly. This is just another chance to remind you how much we love you. One that won’t be tarnished by someone’s twisted mind.”

Ivy stretched out her hand, her wedding ring glinting in the light. It had arrived at the house the day after the fire. Hazel had sent it along with a photo of Ivy curled up asleep in the corner of the room they'd held her in. We'd never looked at the photo. Thomas wouldn't let us, telling us we'd never be able to unsee it and Ivy agreed. He destroyed it before he brought the ring back to us and we’d slipped it onto Ivy’s finger where it belonged.

Now we stood here together, to renew our commitment to each other, our wedding rings right where they should be. I wasn't sure if the world had become more accepting over the years or I just cared less about fitting into a box that was deemed acceptable, but the press seemed less interested in our relationship these days and I got so many letters from fans telling me they felt safe to be who they wanted to be because I'd been honest about my relationship.

I'd never found the right terminology for my sexuality, but what I did know was that I'd found true happiness and satisfaction with these two beautiful people who welcomed me into their relationship and loved me like I was enough.

"Ready?" the celebrant whispered and we all nodded. Ethan placed his hand below Ivy's and I pressed mine over the top, the celebrant wrapping a white cord around them.

“Welcome to you all and thank you for coming today to join Ethan, Ivy, and Grayson togetheragain. As this cord binds your hands together, it reminds you just how intertwined your hearts and souls are. Joined together in an eternal bond of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the stars, your love should be a constant source of light."

"We're the stars, are they talking about us Uncle Mav?" Vaga's voice rang out, making us all laugh. Her tiny hand cupped my brother's face while she waited for his answer.

"Of course, they're talking about you little star… you, Star and Castor," he whispered before he pushed her thick red curls from her face so he could kiss her forehead. Our twin bond meant I could feel how much he loved our kids from here, but I could also feel how much he longed for his own.

"And you have your own special stars to help you light the way," the celebrant added in, smiling over at our kids, Vega looking like she was about to burst with happiness at getting a mention. "You have the stars and then the earth is a firm foundation for you all to grow. May the sun bring you new energy, may the moon restore you, may the rain wash away your worries, and may the wind bring you strength. May you walk together, bound as one, with the sun on your faces, bringing you a long and happy life in your union.”

Ethan cupped Ivy's face with his free hand, his tux sleeve moving slightly to expose the large, pale scars from the fire that covered his forearm, reminding us daily how lucky we all were to have survived what we went through.

"I love you both so much," he whispered before kissing her softly on the lips, and then he moved to do the same to me. I leaned and kissed Ivy, slipping my tongue into her mouth and devouring her until she groaned loudly.

Ethan's lips found my ear, his hot breath making my heart race. "You're making me hard, husband. I can't wait to get you both alone later."

"Gross. Get a room," Frankie called out, still unable to watch any of us with your partners without turning into a giggling teenager.

As the celebrant finished the ceremony, our friends and family clapped and cheered as our two little ladies ran at us. I scooped up Star and Ethan picked up Vaga, as Lori handed Castor to Ivy.

“Daddy, mummy looks like a princess," Star whispered, as she reached out to twist Ivy's curls between her fingers.

“That’s because she is one. And a firefly. And we’re lucky that she’s all ours.”


“Forever, Star. Now, shall we go eat some cake?”
