Page 134 of Rogue God

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FrankieHill,drummerforthe Cosmic Gods, accompanied Matt Hill, husband, and head of security for the Gods of Melody record label to court again today. Dressed in black, Frankie supported Matt while more evidence was presented against Craig Brock who is accused of killing Hill’s first wife and 11 month old son. It’s believed that Brock murdered them both while Mr. Hill was at work as a DCI with the London MET police force. Frankie looked somber next to her husband, holding his hand throughout. Rumors that Frankie may be pregnant with their first child continue to circulate, although this reporter couldn’t see any evidence of a bump.

Cosmic God drummer, Frankie Hill was by her husband’s side today when the jury found Craig Brock guilty of 11 counts of murder of 7 women and 4 children. Matt Hill cried out when the verdict was read, finally able to put his wife and son to rest. The Cosmic Gods canceled all of their commitments while the trial continued in support of Matt, who is not only married to Frankie but now runs the security for the new record label the Gods started earlier this year.

Reports are rife about why Matt and Frankie Hill missed the sentencing of Craig Brock today. Brock was found guilty of 11 counts of murder last month after a 6 month trial. Given the volatile history of the Gods over the years, this reporter wonders if the happiest marriage in showbiz is cracking from the pressure.

“I’m so excited to be able to bring you this exclusive BBC report. Last night, Cosmic God’s drummer, Frankie Hill and her husband Matt brought little River Kaine Hill into the world. Yes, you heard that right. This humble reporter is now godfather and namesake to this tiny Cosmic God. I helped find Frankie and Matt when they were washed away after a river bank they were standing on collapsed in a storm and I can’t deny that when I met River this morning I might have cried like a baby myself. The pair have been trying to hide Frankie’s pregnancy, so they didn’t detract from the trial of the murderer of Matt’s first wife and son, Emma and Alfie Howells. Frankie went into labor just before the sentencing of Brock and Matt accompanied her to the hospital, which was the best idea as, an hour later, River made his appearance. Now, I’m off to Google jobs of a Godfather and buy tiny sportswear for River.”

“Ow.” I cried out as I tried to get out of the car and just like that, he was there, scooping me up and carrying me and the car seat with River inside into the house.

“I’ve got you both, Rogue.”

River stirred, and I swore it was from hearing Matt’s voice. That man had spent every moment he could pressed to my belly over the last nine months. He’d talked, read, played my songs, and even tried singing himself, which made me cry with laughter. That man doted on me and our baby before he’d even met him. We decided not to find out the sex, but when the midwife called out it was a boy, I froze, wondering if it would be the thing to send Matt running.

I’d spent nine months waiting for him to freak out, but it never came. Matt showed up every day as the foundation I needed. He made me the salad I craved and binned all the junk food I couldn’t stand the taste of. He stayed up late when my pelvic pain meant I couldn’t sleep and he sat with me while I threw up for the first and the third trimester. Every appointment, every scan, every fear filled twinge, he was there. He didn’t let his demons take over, even though I knew he must be terrified and he made me feel like I didn’t have anything to fear either.

He helped me get comfy on the sofa before he passed me River who settled happily on my breast, suckling away.

“That might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Do you think he’ll ever forgive us for calling him River?”

“Nope. But you were right, that river was a huge part of our story and his name now reminds us how lucky we are to have him and each other.”

“I’m so tired. I could sleep for a week.”

“Well, I can’t feed him, but if you take care of that I will do everything else, plus, if you’re awake, I want to be awake too. I don’t want you to feel like you’re doing any of this on your own.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“I think that should be my question.”

“Can you help me up? There’s something I want to do.”

Matt lifted me from the sofa, so I didn’t disturb a very hungry River and helped me walk to the doors that led outside. My body was sore, my nipples were killing me, and I wasn’t sure my poor pussy would ever recover, but I didn’t care about any of it. There was something I had to do.

Stepping outside, I nudged the switch on the wall, turning on the fairy lights. Nodding towards the chair, Matt helped me sit down, hissing as I did.

I patted the seat next to me and Matt sat, kissing me before running his finger over River’s cheek.

“Hey Alfie,” I whispered. “I’d like you to meet your brother. This is River. I hope you can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble, and we will make sure he knows who you are and how important you were to your dad.”

Matt stared at me, wide eyed.

“And Emma, if you’re listening. I’ll take care of him. I promise. Thank you for bringing him to me.”

River pulled away from my nipple and fell asleep in my arms, so I handed him to Matt, who folded him into his arms as he smiled at me.

“Rogue, how many babies do you want to have?”

I laughed as I refastened my nursing top. “Right now, one would be enough, but I guess I could go for two.”

“Six. We’re having six.”

“Six?” I laughed, slightly horrified by the suggestion.

“It sounds like a perfect number. Just sayyes, sirand we can work out the logistics later, but we’re having six.”

I looked over at my giant husband with my tiny son in his arms and I realized I would give this man anything he ever asked for because he gave me everything I’d ever craved. A place in the world where I felt like I fit.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.”

And as Matt’s hand found my lower back with his spare hand, River and I fell asleep wrapped in his arms, safe in the knowledge this man would always, always keep us safe.

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