Page 15 of Rogue God

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“No idea about what?” Trying to create some distance between us, I pressed my hand to his chest, feeling his heart hammering beneath his skin.

“How hard you make my life,” he whispered, his lips still close to my ear. “Stop putting yourself in danger. Stop doing shit that’s going to get you into trouble.”

I paused. “Yes, sir.”

His groan was unmistakable, as was the hard outline of his erection pressed against me as we stood fixed to the spot. We stayed like that, chests heaving, our breaths quickening, the feel of his body making me wetter by the second. Eventually, Matt took a deep breath and stepped back from me, looking pained.

Pushing a strand of hair from my face, he spoke. “Just promise me, don’t put yourself in danger. They’re here to protect you. Everywhere you go.”

“Promise,” I whispered.

“I mean it, Frankie. I don’t think you realize how important you are or how many people want to be near you. And some of them will be the wrong people. People who want to hurt you.”

I shook my head. “No, the boys are the famous ones. I’m just me. No one's bothered about me.”

“Are you joking?” He let out a hollow laugh. “You’re like stardust, Rogue. People would tear down the world to find you.”

Skimming his knuckles along my jaw, I shivered as my sweaty body started to cool and the closeness of him flooded me with feelings I couldn’t explain.

“You need a shower and lots of water. Plus, I bet you’re starving. Let’s go,” Matt barked, suddenly becoming head of security again and not the half naked man who, moments ago, had been hard and pressed against me.

“Always bossing me about,” I fired back, annoyed by how quickly things had changed.

“Always giving me a reason to boss you about.”

His hand pushed against the small of my back, leading me from the room to the elevator, my heart racing, not from the yoga but from how much my body craved more of him.

Chapter 5


Wecameoffstage,and my head was banging. I downed the bottle of water Addi handed me, pressing my hand over the gash on my head that Fi, our talented make up artist, had hidden from view. Suddenly, Matt was there, taking me by the elbow and pulling me to one side.

“Here, I thought you might want these.” Unfolding his fingers, he held two tablets in his palm. “Painkillers.”

He dropped them into my hand and followed them with a fresh bottle of water, removing the empty one from my grasp.

I stared at him. Dressed, once again, in all black. His huge, ripped body seemed to tower over me. He also wore a black cap pulled low, his green eyes looked darker than usual.

“Take them, Rogue.”

I twitched my head to the side, confused about his new name for me. I’d never had a nickname. I guessed people thought Frankie was already short for something. It wasn’t. Mum and Dad just thought I looked like a Frankie.

I swallowed down the pills with the water. “Thank you,” I offered, running my fingers over the cut on my head again, feeling it burn as I did.

“Stop touching it.”

I dropped my hand.

Matt leaned forward, his lips ghosting my ear so no one nearby could hear him. “I like it when you do as you're told. It makes my life so much easier.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” I replied, my voice shaky from his proximity, his fresh scent dominating my senses.

He stepped back, pulling his phone from his pocket, focusing his attention on something on the screen, avoiding looking at me as he spoke.

“Right, Neo is here to take care of you tonight and he won’t be leaving your side, not even for a second. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

And with that he turned, leaving me with my new security detail, my puckered nipples the only evidence he was here at all.
