Page 22 of Rogue God

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My eyes snapped open, confused about where I was. Looking up, I saw a furious-looking Matt leaning over me. “God, woman, you are bloody hard work.”

I blinked, trying to work out what he meant, and that was when I saw them. The bright white dressings on his forearm and bicep. Leaping up, I stroked my fingers over them.

“What happened?” I questioned.

He didn’t say a word, but pressed his key card to the lock and opened the door to his room. They were nowhere near as large as our suites, but we liked to look after our team, so it was a decent sized double, with a killer view over the city.

Matt turned to face me, twitching his head in an invitation, closing the door behind me. He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “Why the hell are you all alone in the hotelagainafter what just happened? I swear to God I will kick some security ass tomorrow. Why isn’t someone watching you?”

“I hid from them. They think I’m in bed.”

“But their job is to keep an eye on you, even when they think you’re in bed.”

“What happened tonight, Matt? You sent me inside and then vanished to the hospital,” I asked, closing the space between us.

“The knife. He nicked me with it. I needed a couple of stitches. It’s nothing. Really.”

I didn’t need to look at him for too long to know he was full of shit. “And how many stitches did thatnicktake to fix?”

“It was twonicksand fourteen stitches.”



“Does it hurt?” I questioned, running my fingers down his arm, avoiding the dressings that covered his wounds. Wounds he got because of me.


“Will they heal?”

“Yes, but I might have some gnarly scars.”

I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Thank you. For saving me. And don’t say it’s just your job. Nothing you’ve done since you’ve got here has beenjust your job.”

His body tensed while his hands curled at his sides. “I told you that you were trouble, Rogue.”

“I think you might be right. I’m sorry.” I stepped back, taking in how exhausted he looked. “I should leave you to sleep. I just needed to see you. And don’t be too hard on them tomorrow for not noticing me slip out of the penthouse.”

His eyes blazed with anger. “Like fuck I won’t be. It’s not just slipping out of the penthouse. It’s so much more, but if they don’t see you slip out, how do they know they’re not missing someone breaking in?”

“Actually, that’s a good point. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”

He twisted a lock of my hair between his fingers and sighed. “I’m not.”

Wrapping my hand over his, I moved his palm to my cheek, leaning into his touch and drowning in his deep green eyes. My other hand curled into the hem of his blood-soaked t-shirt, fisting it tightly as I pulled him towards me until our hips pressed together, his semi hard cock standing between us.

“Frankie,” his voice sounded like a warning, so low that it vibrated through my body.

“Do you feel it, too?” I whispered. “This thing between us. Tell me you feel it as well?”

He paused, his lips parting as he stared down at me. “I do. You have no idea, but I can’t—” I couldn’t listen, silencing his concerns with my desperate mouth.

His lips were full and soft, pressing against mine with an intensity that stole my breath. His tongue explored my mouth, tasting me, teasing me, dragging groans from my chest that I’d never heard myself make before.

Matt’s hands moved. One of them sank into my hair, tilting my head to where he wanted me so he could deepen our kiss. The other grabbed my ass, grinding me against his hard cock. I indulged in my fantasies and ran my fingers over the back of his shaved head, while my hips rocked against him, desperately searching for more.

Lifting me with his good arm, I hooked my legs around his waist as he walked us backward until my back hit the wall next to his bed. His hands yanked up my top, exposing my breasts, moaning loudly into my mouth as he cupped them with his huge hands.
