Page 5 of Rogue God

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I stepped in front of him, folding my arms over my chest, blocking his way. “Then get the hell out of here. You’re off the crew for tonight.”

“What? I’ve worked here for months and no one has stopped me before.”

I moved my mouth closer to his ear, but yelled anyway, so everyone around us could hear me over the band’s set. “Well, I’m new and things are going to change around here. Come back tomorrowwithyour pass or don’t come back at all. We won’t be paying you for tonight.”

The cheeky fucker mumbled something as he walked away. I thought about dragging him back and making him tell me what he’d said, but I decided I should let it slide this once. I could deal with him tomorrowifhe came back.

“Rob, escort our friend here outside, please. If I see him back in here tonight, I will fire your ass. He’s your responsibility now.”

They both turned and stared at me, their anger toward me written all over their faces, but I simply shrugged.

I looked to Addi, waiting for a lecture that I’d been too hard, or I should have treaded lightly because I was new, but she was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She simply nodded and turned her attention back to the band on stage.

I spent the next hour next to her, watching the Cosmic Gods doing their thing, excited for the first time in a long time about my job and the challenge of protecting some of the most famous people in the world.

Chapter 2


Afterwefinishedourgig, I was sweating, starving, and uncharacteristically horny as hell. Matt and Rob were standing with Addi at the side of the stage, and I couldn’t help taking a moment to stare at Matt again, while Addi handed us all towels and water, congratulating us on the performance.

Dressed in a head to toe in black, Matt was the epitome of abouncer.With a blank expression on his face, a wide legged stance, and his enormous arms folded over his chest, his appearance screameddon’t mess with me.

Comparing him to Rob was comical. Rob was thin, drawn, and never said a word if he could help it. I could see why Tanner suggested taking on Matt instead. He oozed control and protection, while Rob looked like he’d run at the first sign of trouble.

We’d had the same team for years, but the interest in us had sky rocketed over the last year since we’d released our singleBlack Heart Beatingand our second album had gone to number one in countries all over the world. Fans accosted us everywhere we went. Leaving the hotel was becoming harder and harder, and the press tried to snap photos of us constantly. Mick, our previous head of security, retired because it was too much for him and so it seemed the right time to bring in someone new.

“Right, I have some groupies ready to show me a good time,” Tanner announced, offering us all a bow before he left, ignoring the sighs and head shakes from the twins.

“We’re going to grab a drink or three backstage. Frankie, you wanna come?” Gray asked.

“No thanks, brother. I’m going back to the hotel for a bath and ice cream. Addi, can you sort someone to take me?”

“There’s a driver waiting. Take Matt with you. I don’t want to break him on his first night with us. Matt, just stay in the penthouse with Frankie until we get back. It might be a late one. You okay with that?”

Matt nodded. “Ready whenever you are, Frankie.”

Matt escorted me to the waiting car, where the driver was standing, holding open the door for me.

“I’ve got this. Thanks,” Matt informed the driver, moving to take his place.

I slid into the seat, enjoying the cool leather pressing against my shoulders as I leaned back. Matt went to shut the door, presumably to sit up front.

“Actually, Matt, do you mind sitting back here with me? I get carsick if I’m left to my own devices. I could do with the distraction if you don’t mind.”

“Of course. Do I need to find you a pot to puke in because I warn you, I’m not good with vomit.” His face scrunched in fake disgust, and I laughed.

“No, I’ll be fine. Just talk to me.”

He climbed into the car next to me, pulling the door shut. “Seatbelt, Frankie.”

“What?” I looked at him, surprised by his tone.

“Seatbelt. My job is to protect you. That means on stage, in crowds, and when you don’t put your seatbelt on.”


The car pulled off and Matt tutted, leaning over, pulling my seatbelt across me, and clicking it into place.
