Page 92 of Rogue God

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“Ask away. Hhhmmmm, that feels good.”

“What happens when we leave here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’ve always been the bodyguard. Is that what you want me to be when we go back to real life?”

“Bear, I want the world to know we’re together, but that’s not my call. That’s up to you. I chose this life. You didn’t. You’re the man who hides behind a cap and dark glasses so you can do your job. I don’t want to take that from you. I’m here. I don’t want to hide what we have, but I’m happy with being with you in whatever way you’re comfortable with.”

I paused, considering how best to say what I want to say, but she panicked.

“I mean, that’s if you want this. Sorry, I presumed. I mean, maybe it’s not what you want. Sorry if I—”

“Marry me?”

“What the actual…” she spat out, sitting up, staring at me like I’d lost my mind.

“Marry me? I mean it, Rogue. I love you. Life is short. I want to be with you. I don’t want to hide, but I also don’t want to wait.”

“Bear, I’m topless and you’re proposing.”

“I know. I can’t think of a better way to do it.”

She laughed, throwing her head back, her whole body shaking. “Really? You really mean it?”

“I really mean it. I want to spend my life with you. Marry me, Rogue?”

“Yes. Of course, it’s a yes.”

The thunderstorm grew wilder, but inside our bubble, everything settled as I buried myself inside her and promised her a lifetime of love.

Chapter 24


“Gettingmarried?Really?Eek,I’m so happy for you both. I think you’re perfect together. Tanner is going to want to go all protective big brother mode, you know that, right?” Emmy squealed down the phone, and I couldn’t hide the grin that spread across my face from being able to share our news.

“I know. Although can you not tell him? I just wanted to tell someone who would understand my excitement. I’ll tell the boys when you all get here.”

“Of course, your secret’s safe with me,” Emmy replied.

“When are you getting here? The place is amazing. You’ll love it.”

“As soon as possible, but we need to wait for the weather to get better. It sounds like you’re in the middle of some sort of monsoon, according to the news.”

“It’s awful. It’s been thundering all night. I’m glad we’re inside. Don’t travel until it gets better.”

“We won’t, I promise and that gives you time to enjoy your new fiancé, doesn’t it?”

“Maybe,” I laughed. “Text me when you have a plan. Don’t just turn up to surprise me. It’s not going to end well for anyone if the boys catch me getting railed by Matt bent over the kitchen counter.”

“Eugh, Frankie,” Emmy groaned into the phone, making me laugh loudly.

“What? You’re as bad as my brothers. I am allowed to have sex, you know. And trust me, I’m having a lot of it, and it’s mind blowing!”

“Again, eugh. I don’t need to hear about it. I’m going before you tell me anymore. Be good. I’m so happy for you, Frankie. I can’t wait to see you soon.”

“Bye, Em.” Hanging up, I searched out Matt and coffee, finding him in the kitchen making me one.
