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“Cairo,” she said. “I’m sorry I...”

“You know, both of you could ask the women around you what they want,” Ariel said. “Just because a woman sleeps with you it does not mean she wishes to marry you. Just because she is born doesn’t mean she wishes to marry you. Just because her father says.”

“Yes,” said Brianna. “Exactly that.”

“It is done,” said Cairo. “You are my wife.”

“I’m not his wife,” said Brianna.

Riyaz looked her up and down. “You will be. Soon. Perhaps we might find someone out here to do the deed.”

“You cannot get married in a desert,” said Cairo. “You must have a wedding that is symbolic for the people.”

“You do not get to order me around. I have spent enough time in captivity.”

“But are not concerned at all about putting others in captivity,” said Ariel. “I’m pleased that you’re alive, Riyaz,” she said. “But it doesn’t give you license to act like a monster.”

“Monster or not. You’re both coming with me. Back to Nazul. These games have gone on long enough. It is time I begin my rule.”

And that was how Ariel found herself bundled up in her see-through wedding dress and put into a helicopter. She could scarcely fathom what was happening to her. And she didn’t think that the other woman had any idea of what was happening either.

The helicopter ride was short, as Cairo had said it would be. She thought of all the clothing she had left behind at the house in no man’s land. Another life that she had to leave behind because of the dictates of these men.

She looked at Brianna—she thought that was the other girl’s name—and the other woman looked back with a strange sort of wide-eyed misery.

She wondered what sort of life Brianna had left behind to be here. What sort of life she had not intended to leave.

The helicopter touched down in front of the palace. Golden and bright as she remembered it. It was strange how much the same it looked. It didn’t seem like it should be possible. It had been polluted. Perverted by the violence and death of the royal family. By the fact that Riyaz had spent years living in the dungeon. And yet it had the audacity to look the same. They got out of the helicopter. And suddenly, there were servants ushering them into the palace.

“I must speak to my brother,” said Cairo. “Brianna, please stay with Ariel.”

Brianna looked mutinous, but then the two men left, and Ariel and Brianna were ushered into a plush sitting room. There were drinks sitting there. Something that looked like lemon with mint in it. She thought of resisting it, but then also thought that it might be a bit spiteful for no real reason. So she poured herself a measure of liquid.

“I take it you didn’t expect to get a proposal.”

Brianna’s eyebrows shot up. “Was it a proposal? I thought it was a command.”

“I think in their world that passes as a proposal. At least in my experience.”

“They seem to think that getting naked with them means a proposal.”

Ariel laughed. “Well. Yes.”

“I loved him, you know.”

She looked at her. “Riyaz?”

Brianna shook her head. “Never mind. Never mind. It’s all very complicated now. And...”

Cairo. Brianna meant Cairo. Because of course they knew each other. That was the woman that he had spoken of that he had saved. The one he had talked to on the phone.

Ariel felt both guilty, and possessive in the moment.

But Cairo was her husband, so there was no reason to go being territorial about it. Especially not when Riyaz had already made proclamations about the fact that they were to get married. Unless...

“Cairo said that he was very... He’s dangerous. He didn’t hurt you? He didn’t force you...”

The redhead’s face went a scalding shade of strawberry. “He didn’t force me to do anything. I was... A willing participant. He is... Complicated. And I somehow managed to get swept up in the complication.”
