Page 69 of Coveting Sophia

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“I want to move quickly,” I tell him. “But people won’t like it.”

“So what? Since when did you let that bother you? Damien, you are the Chief Operating Officer of the Cardenas Group. This is your job. These men and women are your direct reports. If they don’t like the changes you want to make, they are welcome to leave.”

That’s uncharacteristically harsh. Tomas usually only cares about one thing, and that’s keeping my mother happy. Maybe he’s right. Maybe this won’t blow up in my face.

“How about this afternoon?”

We gatherthe leadership team together, and I present my plans to shake things up. “Some of these are in effect immediately,” I say. “Some others will take a few weeks to implement. My strategy consultants will reach out to each department to ensure the process goes smoothly. Any questions?”

Ted Boric raises his chin in the air. “This is not how we do things here,” he says to Tomas, his voice belligerent. “Don’t tell me you support this insanity. The Cardenas Group has grown and thrived for forty years because of our policies. Now you’re letting Damien throw them all out of the window?”

Tomas gives Ted a long look. “I have full confidence in Damien,” he says mildly. “If the Cardenas Group is to survive the next forty years, the changes he’s making are absolutely necessary.”

Boric’s face flushes red. “Does Maria know?” he demands. “Does she approve? I can’t see her going along with this, not in a million years.”

I count to ten in my head. When I speak, my voice comes out cold as steel. “This isn’t optional. If you find yourself unwilling to cooperate with my team, please schedule some time on my calendar to discuss your future with the firm. Have a good evening, everyone.”

I’m absolutely drained by the time the meeting is done. On autopilot, I check my phone. There’s a text from Julian, sent earlier this afternoon.

Sophia is coming over for dinner tonight. Join us.

My stress melts away, leaving only pure anticipation. This is it. This is the reward. This is what I’m doing it for. This is what makes it all worthwhile.

I'll be there.
