Page 73 of Coveting Sophia

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“I’m not expecting anyone,” Julian says, looking adorably grumpy as he gets up to investigate. “It’s dinnertime. If it’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses people, I’m going to be very annoyed.”

His footsteps recede down the passageway. A minute later, I hear a woman’s voice yell, “Surprise!”

It’s his sister Hannah and her fiancé Samir. Julian looks slightly dazed as he comes back into the kitchen with them. “Sophia, meet Hannah and Samir. Hannah, you already know Damien.”

Damien rises to his feet, faultlessly polite as always. He comes around the table and hugs Hannah. He’s just told me he wants to be in a relationship with me, so I ignore my twinge of jealousy.

“Damien Cardenas,” he says, holding out his hand to Hannah’s fiancé.

“Samir Shah. Sorry to barge in like this, Julian.”

“Yeah,” Hannah chirps, looking completely unrepentant. “We didn’t mean to interrupt your evening. We were in the neighborhood, so we thought we’d drop by.”

Julian rolls his eyes. “Liar,” he says amiably. “You weren’t in the neighborhood. You live in Manhattan, and it’s a four-hour drive. Admit it. Jamila told you the house was a wreck, and you couldn’t stay away. You had to investigate.”

Hannah turns pink. “That’s not the only reason,” she says. “Jamila’s mother is making my dress, and I came down to do a fitting.”

He chuckles. “Sit down,” he invites. “Have you guys eaten dinner? There's plenty of food.”

His sister glances at the table. She takes in the candles and the flowers, and it’s obvious when she realizes she might be interrupting something. She gives Damien and me a curious look and nods her head slowly. “Sure,” she says. She glances at her fiancé. “If you don’t mind, honey?”

“I never say no to a meal,” Samir replies cheerfully. “You know that.”

We make polite conversation as they eat. Samir is a commodities trader on Wall Street. Damien’s eyes brighten with interest, and the two of them start talking shop. Hannah shakes her head indulgently. “Well, at least it isn’t me,” she says, linking her fingers with his. “I love him to bits, but I can only fake being interested in copper prices for so long.”

Samir clutches his heart exaggeratedly. “And here you are, destroying all my illusions,” he says with a laugh. “Julian, this is fantastic. Hannah told me you were a good cook, and she was not wrong.”

“Right?” She looks at Damien and me. “Julian used to cook for me all the time when we were growing up.”

“He did?” I shoot Julian a curious look. “He never mentioned that.”

“Yeah, it was our secret thing. We’d wake up early, sneak downstairs to watch cartoons, and Julian would make me mac and cheese for breakfast.” She looks around the kitchen. “I don’t miss this place. Is it weird for you to be back here?”

“I'm slowly getting used to it,” Julian says. He gives his sister a concerned glance. “It's been a while for you, hasn't it?”

“Fifteen years, give or take,” Hannah says. Samir squeezes her hand, and she gives him a warm smile. “I’m fine, honey. The cabinets look exactly the same. Still hideous, after all these years.”

Julian chuckles. “Sophia's brother is a contractor. He came to look at the place today. He promised me he liked old houses, but when he got to the kitchen, he was ready to set it on fire.”

That’s Simon for you. Always diplomatic. “He does like old houses,” I assure Julian. “Really.”

He gives me a warm smile. “I’m not concerned,” he says. “You recommended him. That’s enough for me.”

Something squeezes my heart at his easy confidence. He trusts me, and so far, I’ve done nothing to earn that trust.

It all feels very surreal. Damien called me his girlfriend. Julian didn't plan on introducing me to his family, but he's not treating me like a dirty little secret, either. They said they wanted a relationship, and their actions back it up.

And mine aren't. I'm the one with secrets. I'm the one putting up barriers between us.

This needs to stop. First thing tomorrow, I’m going to call the fertility clinic and call the whole thing off.

After dinner,Julian shows Hannah the hothouse. “It doesn't look in great shape, I know,” he says. “But Sophia's brother is starting work on it tomorrow, and he's promised me he’ll get it done in time.”

“I’m not worried about that,” Hannah says. “But look at how much work you have to do, Julian. I shouldn't have railroaded you into holding my wedding here.” She smiles ruefully. “Julian feels terrible about the way my parents treated me and takes it upon himself to compensate for their shortcomings. He’s never said no to me, no matter what I asked him for. I’m afraid I took advantage of that.”

I exchange a glance with Damien. From the way Julian tells it, his sister hates him, but that’s obviously not the case. They might have grown apart, but she seems fond of her brother.
