Page 8 of Coveting Sophia

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“That makes no sense. I wasn’t even an employee of the hospital.”

“And you think that being in the right would have protected me? You think that HR would have taken my side over Mrs. Caldwell?” She tries to shoulder past me. “Will you excuse me? I have an auction to run.”

If I were a nicer guy, I’d step out of the way. “Who told Mrs. Caldwell we slept together? I certainly didn’t.”

“I don’t know,” she says. “It doesn’t matter. That experience taught me an important lesson, Damien. I’m grateful for that.”

Don’t ask, don’t ask. Never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to. “What did you learn?”

“I learned to stay away from people like you,” she snaps. “You’re the heir-apparent to a multi-billion-dollar company. You float around in a world of privilege. You have no idea what the world is like for the little people. It probably didn’t even strike you to be discreet.”

What the hell? We were in Xavier’s private sex club. How much more discreet could we have been? “Oh, come on,” I protest. “That's a very unfair depiction. You don’t know me.”

“I know your type. I’ll prove it to you. You have an assistant, don’t you?”

I blink at the sudden change in topic. “Yes.”

“How long has she been working for you?”

“It’s a he. Luis has been with me for eight years.”

“Is he married?”

“You don’t think I know? Yes, he’s married to a lovely woman. Martina is from Argentina and is a chef at a steakhouse in Lima. They have two children. Twin girls.” I strain my memory for their names. Emma and Maria? Ella and Olivia? Oh, crap.

She sees the look on my face and goes in for the kill. “When’s his birthday?”

I open my mouth and shut it. “Some people are good at remembering dates, and some people aren't,” I finally mutter defensively. Damn it, could she be right? Luis keeps my world running, and I appear to have forgotten the names of his daughters. I don’t like what that says about me.

Sophia doesn’t miss my reaction. “I rest my case.”

I make a mental note to check in on Luis and transfer my attention back to the woman in front of me. Damn, she’s beautiful. “Fine. You’ve made your point. I admit I may need to pay more attention to the people around me. But I’m also not the asshole you’ve decided I am.”

“If you say so.”

For fuck’s sake. I’m not getting through to her, and it’s driving me nuts. I should just let it go, but I can’t.

And then an idea strikes me. A bold, insane idea. “This community health center is important to you, right?” Her passion had shone through in her speech. “And its funding is precarious. As you said, I’m very privileged. I’ll make you a deal.”

Her expression turns wary.

“You think I’m an asshole? Okay. For the next month, you teach me to be a good, empathetic person. In return, I’ll donate a million dollars to your organization.”

Shock fills her eyes. “You’re nuts.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

“This is an absurd idea. Empathy can’t be taught.”

“Really? You don’t think people can change? You don’t believe they can improve?”

She hesitates, torn. “I didn’t say that.”

“So, I can be taught.” I tilt my head to the side. “Are you up to the challenge?”

Call me a jerk, but I have her. She cares deeply about the Highfield Community Health Center and its mission. Tonight’s fundraiser will solve their rent woes, but they still need money for equipment, salaries, and so much more. A million dollars is not the kind of money she can walk away from.

“You want me to teach you empathy, and in return, you’ll donate a million dollars to the health center.” Her jaw tightens. “Let’s make one thing crystal clear. I’m not sleeping with you.”
