Page 95 of Coveting Sophia

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“His tropin levels are normal,” she says. “So it wasn’t a heart attack. We’ll test him more thoroughly in the coming days, but I don’t think it’s something to be concerned about.”

“He’s had a scare before,” I murmur. “His doctor was concerned about his stress levels. He told him to take a vacation.”

Cristiano snaps his head up. “I didn’t know that.”

“He didn’t want to worry you,” Julian says. “Is Damien awake? When can we see him? How long will he be in the hospital?”

She blinks at the barrage of questions. “He’s coming out of anesthesia now,” she says. “He’ll head to the recovery room. He won’t be ready to see anyone tonight. You should go home and get some rest.”

Home. But home isn’t a place. It’s people. And right now, there are only two people I want to be with. Damien and Julian.

Be brave, Soph.

I swallow hard and look up. “Can I come home with you?”

For a long moment, he stares down at me. Then his eyes soften. “Of course, Sophia.”
