Page 131 of Sasha and the Stalker

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I dug through my huge purse with a limp hand, slapping around until they landed on my keys. “Here.”

Bracing myself for the worst, I shoved out of the car and took a moment to let the head spins settle. Tommy stood on the porch, grinning as I shuffled toward the door. “Shut up.”

“I didn’t say anything.” He dangled my keys in front of my face, and I snatched them away.

“Your thoughts are very loud.” I shut the door in his laughing face and let out a sigh of relief. Ryan came running from the kitchen, meowing up a storm. “Hello to you, my darling.” With a grace I didn’t know my hungover self possessed, I bent over and scooped up the loudmouth cat, and he started to purr. “Now, let’s go take an obscenely long nap. Mommy’s feeling rough.”

Ryan yawned and shook his precious little head. I trudged up the stairs, making it to the bedroom embarrassingly exhausted. Setting my little furry angel on the bed and immediately pulled my clothes off, swan diving into the middle of the bed.

Hours later, the room was much darker, and my phone buzzed nonstop from somewhere on the floor. I groaned and rolled from the bed to the floor. “Why?” I whined as I crawled to where my purse was on the floor.

“Hello?” I laid my head on my purse, closing my eyes against the dwindling light.

“Sasha?” Sarah’s panicked voice woke me right up.

Despite the headache and nausea, I shot up. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t find Michael, and I’m cramping.”

“Shit.” I jumped up and pulled on the wrinkled clothes from the floor. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“Mom’s on her way, but I need Michael.” Her voice broke, and it was like an arrow to my heart.

“Let me see if I can track him down.”

“Thank you, Sasha.”

“I got you. I’ll call once I find him.”

A woman on a mission, I rushed downstairs, grabbed a sports drink, and ran out the front door. Tommy startled from his spot on the porch swing, and I chucked my keys at him. “Come on. We need to find Michael.”

Tommy beat me to the car, opening the door for me before jogging around the hood. Once he was buckled and ready to roll, he looked at me expectantly. “Where to first?”

The headache made it hard to think, but I came up with a few places, and we were off.

* * *

Half an hour later, we hadn’t found him, and I was worried. Michael wasn’t involved in the criminal side of the Moretti family, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get caught in the middle.

Tommy answered a call as we left Michael’s office. “Hello?” I side-eyed him as he remained silent, the person on the other side of the phone barking out orders. “Marco? I—” More muffled talking, and Tommy’s eyes widened in what looked like fear. “I’m with Sasha right now looking for Michael. As soon as I drop her at home, I’ll head to the casino.” Tommy glanced at me, his jaw tight. “You got it, Boss.” He dropped his phone in the cup holder, his body tense. “Luca talked to Michael, and he’s heading to the hospital now.”

“Good. Where’s Luca?”

“I’m taking you home.”

“No. You’re taking me to Luca.” I folded my arms, glaring into the side of his face.

“There’s nothing going on that you need to see.”

I huffed. “If you take me home, I’ll just drive myself there. The difference is I might get there too late to keep Luca from making a huge mistake.”

“He’s going to kill me,” Tommy muttered but changed directions.

As we pulled up to the construction site, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Five cars, including Luca’s, were parked behind the Moretti Construction sign. “What the hell?” I muttered as I got out of the car.

“Sasha!” Tommy yelled after me, and instead of waiting for him, I broke into a sprint.

I wound through the jackhammered parking garage, stopping when I heard the first hint of masculine voices.
