Page 139 of Sasha and the Stalker

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Inspired by the cousins, Sarah popped up, her baby bump just visible. “To Sasha and Luca, a love like I’ve never seen.” Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at Luca, a sob leaving her lips before she could say more. Michael stood and lovingly guided her back into her seat.

Luca cleared his throat, his face soft but unsmiling. “If there are no more toasts, I’d like to have them bring out dessert.” There was a relieved chorus of agreement, and the waiters presented each person with a dessert plate that was like a sampler of Italian treats. “The fantastic new chef of Moretti’s worked at a bakery here on The Hill, and when it came time to pick the desserts, I couldn’t.” Luca chuckled and shot his cousin a smug look. “Enjoy.”

The room fell silent, and I snuck a peek at the kitchen door to find it swinging closed, a flash of pink darting out of view before it shut.

When it was finally time to end the night, the relief I felt was immense. The only issue was that Luca and I were spending the night apart per tradition, which was, of course, ridiculous because we were already married. But Luca, ever the mama’s boy, wanted to keep our mothers happy.

“I’m going to walk my grandma out.”

Luca kissed my forehead and let me go.

“The Morettis are sure an interesting bunch,” Grandma whispered as we passed Gio at the door, Tommy trailing behind us at a distance. “I do believe that young woman was high. If I had to guess, coke?”

I barked out a laugh and tightened my hold on her arm. Martin glanced back at us as he handed the valet his ticket. “What do you know about drugs, Grandma?”

She sniffed, adjusting her shawl. “Believe it or not, but I do have a life and had one before I had your mother. I was a flower child.”

“I bet you followed The Grateful Dead.”

“I’ll have you know, for a summer, I was a deadhead.”

“Why is it I hear another wild story every time I see you? Where was all this when I was a teenager getting into trouble for a little pot?”

“Wasn’t my place to step in. I can’t help that your mom’s a square.” The valet pulled up in their car, so grandma gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t be boring like her.”

I shook my head as Martin helped her into the car. “Don’t be mean.”

“You know I’m right,” she sang as Martin closed the door with an apologetic smile.

I watched as they drove away before heading back inside.

“You ready to go?” Ashley asked, the other bridesmaids and women of the families standing in a cluster.

I sighed dramatically. “I guess. Let me say goodbye to Luca.”

“You act like you aren’t going to see him tomorrow.” Ashley scoffed, pushing me toward the men congregated at the bar.

“I need to get Nicki home. I’ll see you in the morning.” Aldo patted Luca’s arm, turning and almost plowing right into me. He gently touched my elbow and mumbled, “Sorry about that.” I was sure that was the most I’d ever heard him say. Frozen, I watched him approach Nicki, her face lighting up only to fall when he jerked his head to the door without a word and walked away. She quickly gathered her things, a frown pulling her dark brows together until she noticed me. Before I could blink, she smoothed her features into the bland bitch facade she wanted everyone to see.

“You heading out?”

I stepped into Luca’s body and hugged his waist. “Unfortunately.”

He leaned down, his lips grazing my ear as he whispered, “I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

A shiver ran down my spine as his fingers traced down my back. “Better not get caught.”

“Never.” He placed a not-so-chaste kiss on my lips, making me forget where we were until Frankie wolf-whistled.

Still wrapped around Luca, I glared over my shoulder. “Asshole.” He only shrugged and downed the rest of his drink.

“Sasha!” my bridesmaids called from the door.

“I guess I have to go.”

I stepped away from Luca and dragged my sorry ass to my cackling friends. “Shut up.”

The gang chatted and joked all the way to my house and, surprisingly, didn’t give me shit when I went up to bed early.
