Page 46 of Bad Luck

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I don’t want to tell him it’s because I need advice on what to do about Hamish harassing me. Connor watches me for a long moment. I’m pretty sure he knows there’s something I’m not telling him, but he doesn’t say anything, pulling into the parking lot and helping me unload my baked goods from the trunk.

“What have you made?” Connor asks, holding up the boxes he is carrying inside for me.

“Macaroons, bear claws, brownies, and shortbread.”

His eyes immediately dip to the boxes. “And you weren’t going to tell me where you were taking such delicious goodies?”

He sounds accusing, and I giggle. “You might have eaten them all and left none for anyone else.”

Connor snorts, holding the door open for me, nodding, so I lead him inside.

“That I would have, lass. But I’ll try to limit myself now that I’ve been called out.”



I look around with interest as Connor leads me through the VIP bar and into the back area of the club. I’ve never been in the business end of a nightclub or strip club before. It’s…kind of boring. Very business-like.

Connor stops at the door with a simple sign reading “Manager.” Lauren said to meet her in Seamus Fitzpatrick’s office. I can’t believe someone so important in the Irish Mafia has such a nondescript door. Good for him.

I follow Connor into the room, admiring the gorgeous large, highly-polished hardwood desk and the matching sideboard with a wicked impressive array of liquor.

Paddy and Lauren are nowhere to be seen, but Tiggy and Mellie are here. Mellie is admiring some baby clothes Tiggy has laid out across the desk. Based on the cute little outfits, Tiggy is having a boy.

Connor places my boxes on the table, rifles through until he finds a bear claw, and leaves, pressing a kiss against my temple.

“Hi ladies, bye ladies,” he calls, shoving the bear claw in his mouth on his way out the door, leaving it to swing shut behind him.

They manage to hold it in until the door fully shuts, but Tiggy and Mellie erupt into loud and piercing squeals, almost making my eyes water.

“How long have you two been a thing?” Tiggy gasps as Mellie giggles.

“Since our girl's night,” I admit.

Mellie squeals again, clapping her hands. “Iknewit! The way he was looking at you and how he caught you. I knew it!”

“Is it love?” Tiggy asks excitedly, reaching for a macaroon. Uh, what? That’s a leap. I roll my eyes at her, snorting inelegantly.

“Of course not. It’s a fling. That’s all.”

Tiggy nods, looking completely skeptical. “Uh-huh. Where do you sleep every night?”

I blink at her in surprise. That’s…not a good indicator.

“Uh. I’m not sure what you mean.”

I totally know what she means, but I’m hoping I’m mistaken. She’s so going to misinterpret what Connor and I are doing. She has baby romance brain.

Tiggy rolls her eyes at me. “I mean, on nights when you go to bed before Connor gets home, where do you sleep?”

Shit. She’s freakinggotme. She’s so going to read this wrong.

“Connor’s bed,” I whisper, my cheeks cherry red. They both start squealing again.

“And Connor doesn’t mind?” Tiggy arches a brow once she’s stopped celebrating my last confession.

“He asked me to,” I mumble, setting them off again.

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