Page 76 of Bad Luck

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“We thought we might be able to find out from her where the toy was.”

“And what was yer plan once ye had interrogated her?”

He doesn’t speak. He doesn’t need to. I see the spark of interest in his eye. Andie is a stunning woman. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and fury flows through me. They were going to touch my lass. The mother of my wean. It’s time. My eyes slide across to Seamus, who nods grimly. Fucking finally.

Stalking across the room, I snatch up the gleaming knife I had my eye on from the second I walked into this basement, twirling it between my fingers as I step up to the table. I’ve never killed someone who couldn’t fight back, but I will happily kill this scum.

His eyes widen as my knife swipes across his throat. Munteanu’s head tips back, red spilling across the table, dripping onto the floor to join the blood from his hand.

Dropping the knife onto the table to the side, I nod to Niall, stopping beside Seamus as he claps me on the shoulder. Behind us, Niall is already moving to wrap the body in a plastic sheet.

“You go home and shower, Lucky. I’ll collect Paddy, and we’ll meet you at the hospital.”

My eyes sweep the body again as Niall flips the sheet across his face, and satisfaction surges through me. I might not have been able to protect Andie, but I have defended her, and that’s what matters to me. Now I can walk into that room and face the priest with a clean conscience.

It takes no time to stop by my house, showering and tucking the rings into my suit pocket. I check my reflection in the mirror, grinning as I smooth down my tie. I have matched it to the lass’s eyes. It’s a glorious color.

Andie smiles softly as I walk into the room. Her eyes drop to take in my suit, but she doesn’t mention it. Perching on the edge of the bed, I take her hand in mine, smoothing my hand over the back of it.

“How are ye feeling,achuislemochroí?”

“I’m all right,” she whispers, squirming to get comfortable. “I’m ready to go home. It’s a little bit boring in here.”

I bite back a smirk, my eyes lingering on the clock above the door. In five minutes, it’s about to be a lot less boring.

“How’s our wean?” My eyes drop to her stomach, covered by her baggy sweater. Lauren must have delivered some more clothes.

“They’re okay. The doctor came by earlier and said everything seemed normal.”

Nodding, I keep stroking her hand with my thumb. The door creaks open, and as the priest enters the room, Andie stares in shock.

He turns to me, holding out his hand. “Do you have the rings, Mr. Fitzpatrick?”

“What rings?” Andie whispers.

Ignoring her, I fish out the box Liam fetched for me, handing it to the priest while he gets set up with his robes and Bible.

Gently, I help Andie sit up in bed.

“What’s happening?”

I gently kiss her lips, my hand splaying over her stomach where my baby is growing.

“We’re getting married,achuislemochroí.” I smile affectionately as she blinks, staring at me, her mouth hanging open.

“Now?” she squeaks, her hands fluttering over her hospital gown. “But I’m not dressed for it.”

I smile down at her, kissing her again. “Ye’ve never looked more beautiful.”

Andie blushes a deep red. “Shouldn’t we wait until I can at least stand?”

I press my forehead to her, and my tone leaves no room for argument.

“I’m marrying the mother of my child, Andie,” I tell her, and she freezes, swallowing, tears pooling in her eyes. Jesus fuck, that wasn’t the right thing to say.

She thinks that this is only because of the pregnancy. I can see it in her eyes.

“I’m also marrying the love of my life,” I whisper, and the tears spill over. I brush them away with frantic fingers, climbing into the bed, cuddling her close.
