Page 19 of Taken By the Cowboy

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Since moving to North’s ranch, I've never felt more at home. It's the place I was always meant to be. Moving out of the cottage that came with my job as head librarian allowed us to hire an assistant librarian, so now, I only have to work part-time. That means I get to do two things I love—working with books and working on our ranch.

It's the beginning of April, and things are starting to pick up for spring. We've enjoyed the slow downtime that comes with winter, and last month, North was dead set on getting me pregnant. He wants a Christmas baby so badly.

He would barely let me out of bed and was on a schedule of making sure I had enough of him in me to become pregnant. I'm not supposed to get my period for a few more days, but I took a test early because I felt off.

Sure enough, I'm pregnant. I called my dad and told him I had a surprise for North and needed him out of the house for a few hours today. So, Dad called him and asked for his help with something at his place. Of course, my husband jumped to help, giving me enough time to put together a neat little surprise for him.

I couldn't do too much without raising suspicions, but I headed into town to pick up a few items, including the cutest baby cowboy boots, Wranglers, and a flannel shirt. I have them all arranged on the dining room table around diapers and bottles, with my positive pregnancy tests front and center.

I even set up a spot for a hidden camera to get the whole moment on video. It was Parker’s idea when she found out we were trying to have a baby so she could see his reaction.

Dad:He just left my place. Good luck!

I didn't tell my dad I was pregnant because I want North to be the first to know, but I’m sure he suspects. I can't wait to tell him and Parker. They’re as excited for our family to grow as we are.

It takes about fifteen minutes to get from my dad's to our place. I pace the dining room until I hear the dog barking outside, indicating North’s pulled up into the driveway. I take my spot at the back of the dining room so he'll have to walk past the table to get to me.

"Babe, I'm home. You better get naked!" he calls as the door closes behind him.

"I'm in the dining room," I call back, trying to keep my voice even.

"Perfect, because I'm ready to eat you," he growls and heads in my direction.

He enters the dining room, and his eyes land on me. He stops in his tracks because I can't take the huge smile off my face. Then he looks at the table and takes a few hesitant steps toward it.

I watch as he takes in everything on the table. He reaches out a shaky hand and picks up one of the pregnancy tests, the one that says positive in big letters.

When he finally looks up at me again, there are tears in his eyes. "Are you...?" He stops and brings his hand to his face, squeezing his eyes shut.

This man was emotional on our wedding day. He wasn't afraid for anyone to see he cried and all, but this takes the cake. He's even more emotional.

I walk up to him, place my hands on his shoulders, and wait for him to look at me again. "I am. I looked it up online, and my due date will be the week before Christmas."

A brilliant smile crosses his face as he bends and wraps his arms around my waist, picking me up and swinging me around in a circle.

"We have to call and tell everyone, and then I’m taking you upstairs and pampering you. You’ll have no reason to leave your bed for the next nine months."

"Christ, North, I’ll go stir crazy if I'm not allowed to leave the house, much less my bed."

"Fine, but you better start thinking of Christmas names because we're keeping the tradition going," he says as he pulls out his phone.

The first person he calls?

My dad.
