Page 84 of Demon Kept

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“Should we eat first? The food looks too good to waste.”

Turik made me laugh by taking his seat and wolfing down several large bites. He nudged Vorx, who was still staring at me.

“Sit. Eat. The faster we finish, the sooner we can start.”

Vorx held out his hand to me and guided me to my chair, his intense, hungry gaze sweeping over me from head to toe, missing nothing. Part of me wanted to take back what I’d said about eating first, but my stomach growled, and I knew neither of them would let me postpone eating.

It should have felt weird sitting practically bare-assed on the stool, but it didn’t. It felt naughty and sexy with the way both of them watched me.

I took a bite, savoring the gravy-soaked shredded beef’s flavor.

“This is so good,” I said after I swallowed.

They grunted and methodically attacked their double portions. I had only managed half of mine by the time they finished theirs but didn’t hesitate to push back my plate.

“I’ll save that for later.”

Vorx swept me off the chair and started toward the living room, where someone had had the forethought to draw the shades.

“What are you—”

His lips crashed on mine with an urgency that made me tingle in all the best places. I moaned lightly and kissed him with just as much hunger, showing him how much I’d missed him while he’d been away and how much I adored what they’d done for me.

My backside hit the couch. Then his lips left mine, trailing their way down my chest. There was no licking and nipping—just the wet heat of his mouth on my breast and the flick of his tongue.

I slid my fingers into his hair and arched into him. Everything in me relaxed at the same time like someone flicked a switch.

The magic of a fey tongue, I thought to myself as I floated in a sea of desire.

He left my breast for the other and nudged my knees apart. I lifted my legs to set my heels on the couch and give him all the access he could want but missed. He caught my ankle and helped me lift my foot to the cushion.

Thoughts of how heavy my legs felt drifted away when he lifted his head, looked down at me, and growled.

“Pretty pussy,” he said.

But the words sounded off. Slurred.

“Vorx? Is something wrong?” I asked.

My words didn’t sound quite right, either.

He shook his head like he was trying to rattle some thoughts loose, then dipped his head to lick me from opening to mound. Pleasure swirled deliciously, and forgetting everything, I closed my eyes, briefly letting my mind swim in the sensation. When I opened them again, the room spun a little like I was drunk, which only made what he was doing more enjoyable.

“Yeah, like that,” I said.

I turned my head to look for Turik.

He was frowning and trying to stand up.

“Come here,” I murmured. “I wanted to put my mouth on you like Vorx is doing to me.”

The frown on his face disappeared, and he swayed to his feet, walking like a drunk while tugging his pants open. His erection sprang free, and he lifted a knee to kneel on the couch beside me.

He tipped as he settled his weight on the cushion. Then kept tipping, hitting the back of the couch, and toppling over the back.

The thud of his landing shook the floor and rattled dishes somewhere. A hint of worry surfaced, but my tongue felt too big and wouldn’t move the right way to say his name.

Eyes rolling, I managed to look at Vorx. His head lay between my legs, but he wasn’t licking anymore.
