Page 22 of The Christmas Wish

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‘Then I’ve oversold him,’ I replied bluntly. ‘He was in to sign some paperwork, banging on about some mega exclusive party he’s planning in Italy and the next thing you know, he’s inviting me to go with him.’

‘The monster.’

I pushed my hair out of my face and looked up to meet Dev’s eyes.

‘It wasn’t just an invitation to a party.’

‘It wasn’t?’

I shook my head.

‘I’d rather not go into the details but it was made very clear that certain favours would be expected of me in return.’


‘I’ve worked with arseholes in my time, it comes with the territory, I can take a lot,’ I whispered. ‘But no one stood up for me, no one told him to shut up and we were literally in a room full of people. The next thing I knew, he had his hand on my leg and I lost it.’

Dev’s expression clouded over. ‘Hitting him with a stapler wasn’t enough.’

‘It was a stapler, a coffee cup and a reinforced three ring binder,’ I replied. ‘It’s been a rough couple of months.’

I unwrapped the Malteser and popped it in my mouth, chewing as I relived my rage.

‘He’s awful, Dev,’ I said, holding a hand over my mouth as I spoke. ‘And it’s been years of it, the inappropriate comments, the way he looks at me, at all the women I work with. But that doesn’t make decking him OK, does it? When they go low, we’re supposed to gohigh, not attack them with the entire contents of the stationery cupboard.’

He stifled a laugh before composing his features into a study of compassion.

‘What happens now?’ he asked.

‘I’ve got a disciplinary hearing on the fourth of January. Harry, that’s my boss, he doesn’t think I’ll get sacked since Andrew hasn’t terminated his contract with the firm, but I can say goodbye to the junior partner position for the time being. Maybe forever.’

‘He hasn’t terminated his contract?’ Dev looked surprised. ‘What is he, a masochist?’

‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘I think so. The next day he sent me two dozen roses with a card that said ‘roses are red, violets are blue, you’re a spicy filly, fancy a shag?’. It’s wasn’t an apology, he was still trying it on. I’d admire his tenacity if I didn’t hate his guts.’

‘And that’s why they say there’s no such thing as a good billionaire.’ He rifled through his pocket again and handed me the rest of the Celebrations. ‘Here, you need these more than I do. When did all this happen?’

‘Two weeks ago,’ I replied, the nightmare of it all still so fresh in my mind. Standing in Harry’s office, mortified, while he um-ed and ahh-ed, muttering about the reputation of the company and stiff upper lips in the face of adversity and something about Winston Churchill before he eventually told me to pack my things and go home. ‘I thought it would be OK as long as I didn’t lose my job. Dad wouldn’t have to find out.’ Sniffing loudly, I forced all the unpleasantness deep, deep down inside where it belonged. Out of sight, out of mind as was the Baker way.

‘That’s the annoying thing about secrets,’ Dev said kindly. ‘They have a tendency to come out at the worst possible time.’

‘He’s going to be so upset,’ I said, tearing into a tiny Snickers. ‘All he wants is for me to make partner, I’ve let him down.’

‘Your dad is a good bloke, I’m sure he’ll understand when you explain.’

As much as I wanted to agree with him, I wasn’t so sure.

‘Dad is a good person but he’s also very old school. I already know what he’s going to say, that I should have risen above it and made an official complaint through the proper channels, and he’s right, isn’t he? You can’t go round whacking people at work even if they are grade A wankers.’

Dev bunched his shoulders together and leaned forwards, resting his forearms on his knees. ‘Maybe you’re underestimating your dad here, Gwen. Remember how amazing he was when Manny came out? He’s not a neanderthal, I think he would have understood.’

‘And I think I know my family better than you do,’ I replied. My voice prickled with annoyance. ‘Just because my dad loves and supports his nephew doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be disappointed in me for the way I acted.’

‘Yes, well,’ he inhaled deeply through his nose and looked around my hiding place. It suddenly felt very claustrophobic, altogether too small for two people. ‘It’s been a long time, I don’t really know him at all. Or you for that matter.’

That was it. I felt the red rage swallow me up and a torrent of words came tumbling out of my mouth unbidden. ‘That’s hardly my fault, is it? You’re the onethat went off to uni and forgot me and Manny existed,’ I said, sharpening my words for maximum damage.

‘You’re the one who stopped replying to me!’ He sat up straight, his straight black eyebrows lifted in surprise. ‘Why would I waste my time writing to you when you couldn’t be bothered to write back? I emailed you every day for months.’

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