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“It’s not that I expected him to call. I’m sure he’s with Willa and Arch since they’re at Disney World with the kids this week, but I hoped he would.”

“Maybe he’s thinking the same thing.” He squeezes my bicep. “That conversation you two had at Thanksgiving was pretty intense.”

Dropping my feet to the floor, I shove to the edge of the couch and turn on Dad, nearly spilling my hot cocoa. “He just walked out. He didn’t even let me catch up with what he was saying. I hardly had time to process it all and respond.”

“Do you think maybe he was hoping you wouldn’t have to process? That you would just reciprocate.”

“But I was still with Benito. Even if I did reciprocate, I couldn’t just betray Benito like that. What kind of person would that make me?Hedidn’t with Palmer.”

“You’re my daughter, and I’ll always be on your side, but let’s take a beat. Step back for a moment and give Devin the benefit of the doubt. I don’t know all that transpired between you two. You’ve let me in on bits and pieces, but from the interactions I’ve had with him, I’m inclined to believe he’s a stand-up guy.

“Whatever happened in New Orleans steered you two on this rocky course. He whisked you away from a divorce waiting to happen. Emotions were charged, and unresolved feelings intensified. I recall he asked you to move to Florida with him, didn’t he?”

Adjusting in my seat, I nod.

“The boy was all in at that point. Of course, you needed to work through the aftermath of Anders, but Devin’s life has been riddled with unimaginable challenges. I don’t need to remind you of that, but between some probable abandonment and trust issues with his dad leaving, to his innocence being shattered at such a young age. He’s going to struggle when the woman he’s smitten with discards him. Not that that was your intention, but I imagine that’s what it felt like to him.”

“Discarding him was never my intention.” My grip tightens around the mug, my fingers soaking up the heat. “Truly, Dad. I fully expected things would work out for us back then. I just needed time.”

“I know, baby girl. I hate to admit this, but in case you haven’t noticed, men tend to have egos.” I keep my lips pursed, unwilling to open that can of worms on a holiday. “I know. Hard to believe, right? You’ve heard enough stories to know how committed your mother and I were in those years after college. There was never a time when I thought we wouldn’t be where we are today, but I can’t lie and tell you there weren’t times when she chose to stay in New York for a job that I didn’t feel like she was discarding me. Even if only temporarily. No matter how much faith or trust you have in each other, doubt and insecurity can creep in. Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is the challenge.”

His tongue clicks, sucking in a breath. “Add in his complicated relationship with Palmer. He was probably doing his best to salvage a deep friendship without making the woman with whom he’s shared a bond feel discarded, too. He couldn’t toss her aside if he didn’t know you were willing to go to bat for him. Forgive my pun.” He chuckles.

And I don’t fault him for staying with Palmer. She might’ve been with the man I wanted, but she’s not my enemy. Devin had every reason to remain faithful to her. Showing up at his hotel room hoping for more didn’t give me any claim to him. I made no declarations.

“He might need a little more assurance from you.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I take another sip, savoring the warm chocolate. “I could’ve handled things better. When I get back to Miami, I’ll talk to him.” I scooch back, drawing my legs beneath my blanket once more. “I just… We saw each other a couple weeks ago at this gala TSG hosted. Apparently, he and Leo talked. Dev knows I broke things off with Benito. I guess I hoped I’d at least get a text, something that told me he knew. Even a Merry Christmas would’ve been nice.”

“Just give it time, Novie.” Dad gives me a squeeze, hugging me to his side. “It’ll all work out.”

* * *

With Mom wrapped in the lavish, plush robe I bought her and Dad sporting his new leather house shoes, they cuddle up in the loveseat as we take turns opening gifts.

“Oh, I forgot. There’s one more present.” Dad reaches beneath a throw pillow and withdraws a green and red striped foil-wrapped box roughly the size of his palm. “Nova.”

“You forgot?” I push up to my knees, leaning over the pile of presents and wrapping paper scattered around the living room floor to take the suspiciously light gift from his hand. “What in the world is this?”

Looking up from her new cell phone, Cora stretches her neck to see. “Maybe it’s the keys to a new car since Snowball is ancient.”

“Hey, don’t knock Snowball. She’s aging gracefully. And I’m twenty-three. I think I’ve outgrown the new car from Mom and Dad phase.”

“I’ll take your new car,” Crew pipes up.

“It’s not a new car.” Dad’s eyes roll. “And I didn’t say it was a gift from me.”

That stills the slide of my finger beneath the neatly folded tab. “It’s not from you guys?” I turn the box in my hand. “Who’s it from?”

“Probably Santa,” Myles says on a yawn, kicking at the discarded wrapping paper and bumping my knee as he stretches his long legs out. “Open it so we can eat.”

Carefully, as I’ve been with every present I’ve ever opened, I pop the tape and unfold the ends, then the center seam. My family teases me endlessly for trying to keep gift wrap intact. I don’t know why I’m this way. I don’t keep it. I just hate shredding something someone took their time to fix so prettily.

The box isn’t a cardboard box at all but a clear display container.

My heartbeats cease.
